A phobia (from the Greek ????? "fear"), is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject.
I was watching Anita over Astro Ria tadi and the topic today was Phobia. Quite an interesting subject matter. Both Yan and I were laughing at some of the phobia yang people suffered. Like Alam phobia bawak kereta. And Aznil Nawawi takut air laut, binatang and telur. Yes, telur. Don't know why but another guest also takut telur and they forced him to eat telur tadi, memang torture nampak budak tu tadi. Tu belum tengok other guests yang takut binatang seperti ular and benda2 berbulu attempted to conquer their phobias but ended up menangis2 and terjerit2.
Yes we can laugh but if you have a fear of certain things, it is not funny anymore.
Soalannya sekarang ialah apakah benda yang I fear? Banyak actually. I used to be afraid of height tapi rasanya sekarang ni dah tak lagi kot. Otherwise I won't be living on the ninth floor like I am now, right? I remembered masa sekolah rendah dulu pergi ikut rombongan sekolah ke KL. Dalam banyak tempat nak pergi melawat benda yang mula-mula sekali kena pergi ialah Batu Caves yang ada beratus-ratus tangga tu. Masa pijak second steps kat tangga tu dah rasa gayat giler. So the whole entire rombongan left me at the bottom while they enjoyed the view from the top.
I have a phobia of reptiles too. It's more geli than takut actually. Ini phobia sejak azali kot. And seingat saya ada dua incidents yang I think Tuhan nak uji as far my phobia of binatang is concerned.
Kali pertama masa sekolah menengah. Masa tu nak tidur jadi ambil bantal (masa tu bantal simpan dalam built-in closet) and terus ler nak membuta. Tetiba macam rasa tak selesa dan telinga macam berbunyi. Mula-mula ingat tak de apa-apa, tetapi makin lama makin kuat bunyi. Ingatkan ada lipas ker dalam bantal jadi seluk le sarung bantal tu, rupa-rupanya ada tikus. Apa lagi melompat ler terus tak boleh tidur.
Dan yang terbaru a few months ago masa balik ke rumah mak di Temoh. Masa tu pagi masuk bilik air and I was sitting on the throne. Sambil baca paper. Tetiba jer ada seekor biawak hidup yang sepanjang 2 kaki datang melilit by body seluruh badan. Apa lagi ler- pekik ler sampai satu kampung boleh dengar.
Agaknya still traumatised dengan these two incidents, I am still having a phobia over binatang yang sewaktu dengannya.
Macammana nak ubat tu ha?