Rozana Sani
WHAT initially started as a means to improve her writing skills has launched Subang Jaya-based homemaker Azian Hasan’s e-book venture.
Azian’s blog appeals primarily to women who enjoy food and beautiful things. |
Azian, who started blogging in mid-2007 after much encouragement from her husband, is owner of Mrs. GoodThings@Home (http://mrsgoodthingshome.blogspot.com.)
Through the blog, she shares anecdotes, projects and experiences that revolve around the loves of her life.
“I love my family, home decorating, cooking and baking. I’m also into craft. You can read about my experiences in the blog.
“I also give out food recipes as well as tips on cake decorating, baking and making wedding gifts,” she said.
An actuarial science graduate from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Azian said she started blogging in the midst of coming up with an e-book.
“I just sold my restaurant then after two years of running the business. It was taking a lot of my time, so much so I didn’t have time for my family. I was looking into other opportunities when I discovered the Internet business, and it seemed the best option as it allowed me to work from home.
“Unfortunately, I didn’t have a clue on where to start where e-book was concerned. So, my husband encouraged me to blog to gain confidence in writing. From then on, ideas started to form and I finally wrote the e-book How to Make Money from Your Kitchen.
“In the beginning, I haven’t the faintest idea whether people would come and read my postings but today, I find the response from readers quite encouraging. I don’t really keep track of the hits, but I have made many friends through the blog, especially women and mothers.”
Azian pointed out that the blog appeals primarily to women who enjoy good food and beautiful things.
“I write about food that are easy to prepare, and I often include an anecdote behind each food. I think people like that, and I appreciate it when readers e-mail to tell me that they have tried my recipes and they turned out well.”
Although she does not plan to sell the cakes, cookies or wedding gifts, she often receives orders.
“I will continue to update the blog as long as I can as it launched my new e-business venture,” she said.
In her blog, Azian also promotes her e-books hosted at another Web site, www.duniadapur.com, including Dapur – Lubuk Duit Anda (Kitchen – Your Money Making Machine).
“Most of the stuff in this e-book are based on my experience of doing business from my kitchen. It gives you an idea of how to set up your business,” she said.
(Thanks Ana. Thanks Che Mat)