Yesterday, after berbuka, I happened to watch an Astro Ria programme called Kembara Iman. It is a programme about saudara baru yang embraced Islam in Malaysia and how they are coping with being a Muslim.
The particular show that I was watching zeroed in on Haji Muhammad Farid Rawi which I think is a lecturer somewhere plus a pendakwah with Perkim ler kot. Just listening to this Tuan Haji, which I'm pretty certain is waaaay younger than me, menyebabkan diri ini terasa kerdil. Here is a former Hindu man who went through a lot to learn about Islam - he took it upon himself to learn Islam and even went over to Jordan to earn his degree in Usuluddin. All these on his own, okay. Tak dak sapa tolong bagi duit.
He even managed to convert his mother as well after so many years. The mother passed on three months later. Likewise with his brother who embraced Islam a month before he died.
My favourite quote was when he said: "kali pertama saya masuk ke dalam masjid badan saya seperti dihujani salji. Sejuk tak terkata. Bahagia tak terucap. Bukan macam sesetengah orang sekarang yang pergi masjid pun susah." Terkena sebijik.
"And Mior Azhar? What have you achieved thus far?"For that I am humbled. Thank You Tuan Haji, for bringing me back to earth.
Allah is GREAT!!!