Hari ni belajar macam mana nak scan gambar kat office. Pathetic, right? Baru sekarang nak belajar... Anyway, hari ni scan dua gambar lama - Allahyarham my bapak and I. As for my gambar, sempena nak puasa ni, scan ler yang kurus punyer, kot-kot boleh menjadi macam tu balik. Fat Hopes!

This is me circa 1990-91. The place was Computimes office at the NSTP old buidling. We were on the second floor. Masa ni, new (current) building was still under construction. Computimes then was still in a small room at the back of Business Times and NSTP library. Very the ceruk one. And there were six of us in that crammed room - from my desk it was only lima langkah aje ke pintu and my place was at the end of the room.

Arwah Bapak kat depan rumah di Temoh. Masa ni awal tahun 80an tak pu late 70s, tak ingat dah tapi masa ni dia nak gi kerja tapi kami anak-anak dia suruh pose dulu. Pintu warna purple tu pun dah tak de sebab masa buat renovation rumah tahun 1986, it was decided to turn that living room into master bedroom. I am now a father myself and so are my brothers - Chor and Mi. I think all three of us are mirror images of our Bapak. My brothers and I are very close to our children and wives. Just like Bapak. Sayang dia tak sempat jumpa cucu-cucu dia. Dan menantu-menantu dia, err except of course Yan.