I was in Labuan these past few days. Working. And Labuan reminded me of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. The initial intention of developing these places was good, I guess - to make these locations happening and improve its economy. Whatever that means. But somehow apa yang dicitakan tidak menjadi. Even with duty free status, Labuan fails to attract people to come over. Hmm, perhaps Labuan should organise an international fireworks competition. Then maybe thousands will come and jam up its streets.
While I was away, Yan had this conversation with our daughters...
Alia: Err, Mak. Kita orang kalau dah besar nanti nak kerja apa?
Mak: Suka hati lah. Ala kerja le apa-apapun boleh. Cari kerja yang elok-elok yang boleh beri pahala.
Alia: Kerja banyak pahala?Mak: Kerja yang elok-elok ler.
Alia: Jadi doktor banyak pahala ker?
Mak: Bolehlah tu.
Alia: Kerja apa lagi yang banyak pahala ya?
dan Asma pun menyampuk...
Asma: Imam!