Sejak dua menjak ni, I try not to buka puasa kat luar, especially kat hotel, unless it is really necessary. Bukan apa cuma I felt reaaallly guilty sebab I got to eat ridiculously banyak punya makanan at the hotel whilst the girls at home tak. Nak bawak dia orang almaklumlah, sorang ajer dah berplus-plus RM. Maner nak Raya lagi.
Anyway, yesterday the office did a buka puasa at the Palace of the Golden Horses and at the same time meraikan anak-anak yatim from Puchong. Terpaksalah jugak pergi. As usual, makanan punyala melambak-lambak, boleh feed entire nation somewhere in Africa. Dah tua2 ni, bukan boleh makan banyak pun.
Ini nak bagi tahu, if you are fat, don't ever forever take photo with yourself right in the centre of the picture. No amount of effects will help you not to be the focus of the picture. Not even when you have a friend sitting next to you and trying very hard to look like a demented person will help you.....

This is how it should be. Fat people to the back. Nyorok belakang orang. Better still biar muka jer yang nampak. Tapi kalau muka pun sebesar2 bumi, err so sorry ler ya.