If you are fat and extremely unfit, stay away from Taman Negara Pahang!! I've learnt my lesson and will never subject myself to such torture and humiliation ever again. Yes, I went to Taman Negara last weekend and regreted doing so, big time. I was there for the Asia Pacific Eco Tourism Conference and had a miserable time through and through. I didn't realise that I've turned into a huge kampung boy turned lupa daratan punya city slicker until I stepped into the jetty at Kuala Tahan, the most popular entry point of the National Park.
Getting down to the jetty was a huge effort for me, climbing up from the jetty was a torture, walking along the river bank was ridiculously hard and everything were simply no fun. And to make matter worst, there's a girl in my group who thought she was being funny and kept on laughing and said out loud to everybody " itu orang gemuk kan? itu gemuk kan, oooi orang gemuk pegi belakang."? She's lucky I was forever busy catching my breath as otherwise she'll be dead by now.
While in Kuala Tahan, we stayed at this Rainforest Resort(resort kepala hotak), mandi jer habih air melimpah masuk bilik. Very the basic punyer resort. Yelar orang yang datang sini pun bukannya nak duduk dalam bilik lelama ye tak. Orang datang sini nak go for adventure segala unlike me.
The conference was held at the Mutiara Resort, which is located across the river. Punyeler bercinta kalau nak pergi sebab nak kena cross the river pakai boat. Nak gi ke boat jer dah memang siksa sebab riverbank dia penuh dengan batu batuan yang sebesar2 bola ragbi -, macam tunggu time jer nak terpeliuk kaki and jatuh terguling-guling. Malam bila kami sampai tuh we were invited to go for a night walk kat belakang resort ni. Nyesal sampai sekarang sebab masa duduk kat kampung dulu pun tak pernah buat kerja bodoh jalan-jalan di malam buta. Tapi kat sini ikut ler pulak, memang mangkuk sangat sebab at the end of the walk, yang nampak sesangat ialah a total darkness dimerata-rata. Balik bilik jer terus tidur, penat ya amat-amat. Zul kata bilik bergegar gila malam tu... (nasib dia tak nak tidur sebab nak melayan telepon)
The only highlight for me _the only one okay - is the river cruise. (but turun naik boat is different story altogether sebab bukan macam naik kereta yang diam tetap atas tanah) Memang impressive lar the view kat sini. On the last day pun kami balik ikut Kuala Tembeling iaitu naik boat. Nice jugak walaupun the journey took us about 2 hours. On the way back, we singgah kat canopy walk yang famous kat sini. I tried to pergi but sampai separuh jalan jer sebab nak gi ke canopy to jer macam kena panjat bukit securam2nya. Dah ler licin amat2. Kang tak pasal2 tak balik ler pulak orang gemuk ni. Itu pun dah ingatkan nak mati dah.