By 9 am something we were already on LDP heading towards Ikea to have breakfast. Did you know that we could have a hearty breakfast at Ikea's restaurant (tempat yang ada that delicious meatball segala) dengan harga yang murah? You tell me, where can we get a Nasi Lemak Ayam at only RM1.90 plus coffee and tea. But semalam, kami sampai quite late dan they have closed the breakfast counter. Damn.
But never fear - there are lots more eating places in Ikano. So we made our way there and enjoyed our breakfast. Lepas tu it's Popular Bookstore on the top floor. I must say, this Popular outlet is not too bad. We've been there many many times.
Anyways, lepas tu kami ke Restoran Puteri di Pinggiran Taman Tun Dr Ismail yang berdekatan. For lunch. Dengan Anom, Nasir, Ayah Anjang, Wan, Ayah Chik, Achik, Meor, Rina, Haikal & Wife, Yone, Yah, Cha, Aisyah, Haifa and Adi. Anom and Nasir jadik hosts. Best sesangat!! The food was okay. But it was the company that's great. We had fun catching up with each other and the little ones Adi and Haifa provided the much needed cute moments. And the first generationers, especially Ayah Anjang and Ayah Chik (my dad's brothers), provided the much needed comic drama with the pulut durian. Sedapler pulak kan?!
It's really difficult to explain the "santai and relaxing" atmosphere that day. But I tell you, if you have all the right people around you, it'll definitely make your day and put a smile on your face all day long. Best! Best! and Best! Let's do this once more ---- soon. Let's get more people in ... like Wancik, Chu and family and Ayah Chu and family.
Selepas menjamu selera di Restoran Puteri, rombongan Kak Timah pun decided untuk pergi MPH Warehouse Sale kat Seksyen 13, PJ. Manusia punyalah ramai, maklumlah last day. Tapi buku memang murah-murah. Banyak titles best-best. Rambang mata dibuatnya. Panas pun panas lar. Macam pasar adanya. Tapi puas hati join segala manusia mengharu-birukan suasana.