Now those of you, who have been there, will surely agree that this is one cool place. Not just the KL Pac but the Sentul West area as a whole.
Apparently what used to be KTM’s area, this part of Sentul now boasts a perfectly manicured garden around the 35-acre park, with its crystal clear lake and an International Koi Fish Centre next to the KLPac. It is all pretty surreal, I tell you.
There are still a few KTM’s old buildings around the area. Some have been renovated to house a developer’s office. Why, even the KLPac building itself is an angular contemporary structure with two 103-year-old brick façades. It is really a former train warehouse with funky glass walls.
And we had an interesting session at the KLPac Open Day. It was a fun outing with wonderful activities and interesting talks and workshops. Of course, there were also mini performances all around KLPac featuring music, theatre, dance, film and art.