I simply love animated movies especialy those from Disney and Pixar. My favourites include Shrek I and II (but the recent third installment was somewhat of a let down to me personally) and The Incredibles.
But my all-time favourite, and most probably for my Yan and the girls too, are the classic Beauty and The Beast. I can just watch it over and over again. At one point of my life I could even memorise all the songs (masa the movie baru keluar dulu in the early 90s). And one of my favourite scene was when Belle and the Beast were singing in a cold wintry condition and cute little birds were chirping all around them. Just like this one:

Very the menggembirakan. Anyway, closer to home, I have my own little Belle too. Like this picture:

Arissa kat rumah Opah Temoh bertemu ayam-ayam dan mak ayam for the first time. It's not winter and there's no song accompanying her but Bapak thinks this picture is still very romantic.