Mrsgoodthings@home went to school this morning. UPSR result out. She was initially .. er. calm. Until she reached the school and met with scores of parents .. mostly mothers. And everybody .. mostly mothers.. were on the brink of nervous breakdown. And naturally mrsgoodthingsa@home became agitated too. Who wouldn't when... mothers mostly... some unknown to her... came up and asked "what if my child didn't get 5As?" before moving on wailing to some others.
For crying out's not the end of the world! It's only UPSR. Tomorrow, all will be forgotten. Life moves on.
Having said all that, to My Asma, congratulations baby! Am happy for you. Congrats to your bestest friends too - Anis, Fatihah and even Amyrah. Stay cool, girls! And oh! yes, congrats to other anak-anak who achieved good results too. I'm sure your parents and teachers are bursting with pride and happiness. Alhamdulillah!
And, Asma, as I told you the night before, even if you did not get a single A pun, Bapak will be okay. Mak too. Just be a good girl! A good Muslimah Girl! That's more important, really!
And have fun and celebrate life! (and it does not revolve around string of As only)
And "well-meaning" relatives and friends can be cruel too... how do you respond to words of "encouragement" like "dia ni cacat sikit!" when referring to then five year old Arissa. Imagine that? And do not get me started on the things said behind our back (yes words did get around!). For crying out loud...
So, excuse me yaa, this one I gotta celebrate. Big time! Wohoooo!!!!
I will never ever (never did, anyway) compare my kids with other people's children. You may ask about their performances in school and all that. I will answer it truthfully (depending on my mood... lar jugak). Period. Please, don't bother to compare yours to mine. And if your kids are positively brilliant than mine, don't you think such an exercise is rather pointless.
Afterall, I'm sure that you wholeheartedly believe that your kids are better than my kids, anyway. And I tell you... I am happy for your children. I really do.
But if you still insist on comparing them... just do it at your end. Please keep it to yourself, ya.... because I am far too busy......celebrating life with my kids and wife!