I'm tempted, really. But should I?? Went to MPH yesterday in search of The Google Story which seems to be the talk of the people in my circle. Not wanting to be left behind (and after baca Suhaimi Sulaiman's blog about the book) I went to Subang Jaya MPH but the title was out of stock. Went to MPH Summit USJ last Sunday and that outlet lagi lar macam hampeh. Anyway, saw the book lying on my boss' desk. Tempted giler to rembat..... Should I??? I should actually because I don't like the guy but I shouldn't because mencuri itu perbuatan yang berdosa....

Still contemplating ni sebenarnya.
Anyways, since dah tak dapat the Google Story, I ended up buying Jeffrey Archer's latest False Impression. Yes, I'm like two years behind but due to my present budget situation, I no longer can afford to buy my favourite author's hard covers. But in true Archer's fashion, False Impression is simply magical. Read On!