It's a given that I don't do outdoor. So it was with much trepidation that I went for the office's team building exercise held in PD a week ago. The last time I was required to attend such an event was like 29 years ago (yes two nine years ago!!!) when I had to represent my school to some GPMS' kursus kepimpinan. I remembered then that my friends and I took a bus to Kuala Kangsar's Clifford school and stayed there for three nights.... only thing that I did not participated in any activities then as I was down with a high fever once I reached the school. So I was bed ridden throughout my stay there... how swell kan?
Anyway, back to the recent team building in PD... I found it fascinating and I actually had loads of fun. Even the outdoor activities were delightfully exciting. Of course, there's the obligatory tug-of-war where my service (apparently I was deemed a cargo ship.. hahah!!) was very much sought after. And to make it more interesting, a company dinner was held as well and I really enjoyed the evening. But the best thing about the whole thing was that it offered me a chance to get to know my work colleagues a little bit more.
It was a blast. Thanks BP!