We were in Penang over the weekend primarily to attend Yone's wedding. It was really delightful to be able to meet up with oh so many relatives. And Yone the pengantin is exquisitely beautiful. It was good to finally meet Azri, the groom.
Anyway, as I'm in no mood to tulis panjang2, here are some of the memories of last Saturday:

Yone and Azri - Selamat Pengantin Baru

Ayah Anjang's family at the reception (minus Adi yang pergi berjalan-jalan rupanya)

Yah of
DramaMama was in charge of the flower girls. Here's Pipa and Ana.

The Pengantin berarak masuk

My second uncle Ayah Chik and Achik

The bride's brother Meor, wife Rina and my Arissa

My youngest auntie, Chu and Pak Su

My youngest uncle Ayah Chu and Mak Su

Haaa yang ni Mak Kecik and Pak Kecik. She's my auntie too plus partner in rime masa kecik-kecik dulu....

My brother and sister in law

My favourite auntie Wan Cik and Moi

Wan Cik and my daughters

My niece Safia

My pretty sweet young cousins - Fatin and Mai

My pretty sweet young nieces and daughter - Sabrina, Alia and Soraya

The ladies di Red Carpet... heh

and of course one Pengantin Lama....