I was revisiting old entries of this blog and was reading my previous Raya entries when it struck me that I now have a rather vague recollection of my Raya experiences especially when I was smaller and younger.
So out came the old photo albums where I searched for old Raya photos. Unfortunately, there were not that many photos and certainly none when I was in the primary school years. The fact is I really do not remember much about how I spent my Raya with my parents and brothers - except that we usually would drive to my Opah's place in Lahat (near Ipoh) after the solat Raya and on the second day of Raya, my Bapak's mum and siblings would be coming down to our place in Temoh for some serious Raya "lepak" session. That went on for many years, ever after my Bapak's passing.
Here are some of my Raya of yesteryears that I managed to .. err... salvage:

First Raya with Alia

Then Asma came along the next year (just check out her hairdo)

... and Arissa appeared the next year (us with Mak Temoh in Temoh)

Cousins - Safia, Ina, Alia, Asma, Soraya holding Adam with Arissa sleeping peacefully.

Bapak's siblings and gang used to come down to Temoh every second Raya ... so much so it became a must tradition that went on for many years (pix in mid 90s, probably Raya1996)

And of course before that, all of us would gather at Opah's place on the first day of Raya (this pix taken on Raya 1986)
However...one of my most favourite Raya happened in 1993... when I got engaged on the second day..

My family getting ready with the
hantaran pertunangan before making their way to Kampar...

sarung the cincin to this beautiful lady

I didn't go though... the
rombongan left for Kampar and I went to sleep. This is me after they all got back from Kampar. Happy man!

As for Raya with kawan-kawan, we normally visited each the on the thrid or fourth day of Raya... like this Raya in 1983 when my Form 6 buddies came over to my place in Temoh. Those good old days!!!!!