So during the last Maal Hijrah long weekends the other day, with rezeki from Allah, we decided to go for a road trip up east coast. The Five of Us.
The plan was to drive up to Kuantan, stay overnight there and then make our way to Kuala Terengganu the next day. We would then spend three days in KT exploring the many wonderful attractions there (actually the only attraction for the ladies of my life was that Pasar Payang, more about that later.) Kuantan was chosen because I've never set foot in Kuantan town itself. The few times that I made a trip east coast we somehow always skipped the town. So I resolve to visit the last remaining state's capital that had so far "eluded" me. And KT because I haven't been there oh for many years. Kota Bahru would be a nice additiion in the agenda but that would mean extra day or so. No more cuti. Next time perhaps.
Alas, we can only plan but Allah knows best. Whadaya know? As we were approaching Temerloh (on the east coast highway no less), our car came to a stuttering stop. Siap dengan asap lagi. And I have sent the car for thorough servicing the day before. What luck. We called for the highway tow truck service before being towed to Temerloh exit. And when the mechanic came, he dropped the bombshell that they needed at least two days to repair the damage. And both Yan and I were really dejected by the news that Yan said that we could very well forget about the whole thing. The good mechanic sent us to the nearby Seri Malaysia where we checked in for the day.
We spent two nights in Seri Malaysia Temerloh while waiting for the car to be repaired. That experience left us not wanting to return to that Seri Malaysia Hotel. In that short of time, we occupied three different rooms (because all the air-conditions were not working properly), and its rather dusty and dirty (better not get into it lah). And having cooped up in one room for more than 24 hours was certainly no fun. But alhamdulillah, the mechanic (whom I called Along) managed to speed up the repair and delivered the car back early Saturday morning (instead of Sunday morning). Which means, we still got time to drive up to KT. So in no time, we gladly left the hotel at the earliest possible time. And we rolled into KT around 2pm later that day. Traffic was quite bad that day but janji dapat pergi.
After performing the solat jamak qasar, Yan wasted no time by herding us all back into the car. First stop, where else, Pasar Payang. Oh by the way, we checked into YT Midtown Hotel. Such a cool hotel as it is situated right in the centre of the city. Within walking distance to Pasar Payang and many other attractions. And the room is by far superior than those of the ones we had in Temerloh.
Ni ha, orang yang nak naik pony sesangat. Duduk buat muka poyo.
Im belanja us minum at Pasar Payang while waiting for another Yan's niece Shida to come over from Setiu to join us. Of course lah when you are in Pasar Payang you did not simply minum2 but turut serta shopping. That's Round 2.
Anyway, the trip was delightful. Although Alia and Asma still can't accept the fact that the Floating Masjid Tengku Zaharah is not really a floating mosque. And they still couldn't figure out why the Pantai Batu Burok is named as such. "Apa yang buruknya?" tanya Asma. Sapa nak tolong jawab?
P.s: there're round 4 and 5 at Pasar Payang. Hik hik!(Imagine if we go to Kelantan?!)