I feel Bad! At my age and especially during this trying time (what with the economic downturn and political instability), I should be Working Day And Night.
But thanks to my oh so awesome niece, we have been yanged. Now I’m spending (urm okay.. wasting is more like it) most of my Internet time watching Michael Jackson on YouTube. Yes, its Michael Jackson fever in Mior Azhar’s household nowadays where the daughters and I are practically Get On the Floor and Off The Wall… moonwalking away.
It’s like a trip back down to my Childhood days when I used to watch MJ and the Jackson 5 on my Bapak’s Black and White TV grooving away.
Another Part of Me is telling me that I should act my age and just Beat It. But I Can’t Help It. Thriller and Billie Jean are simply too Dangerously infectious. This Time Around even Yan is Speechless. Yes, why bother Scream, because she knows very well that its Human Nature to celebrate the Man In the Mirror who over the years, in his own way, has helped to Heal The World.
To Safia (my niece), see I've turned your name into a noun. Say thanks!
To Safia (yan's niece), congrats... wa wa wa 11A1s. That's freaking awesome.