The year was 2002. My uncle Ayah Chu and his wife Mak Su initiated a family day for our extended family (my bapak's siblings and cousins). It was held over three days and two nights at Bagan Lalang, Sepang. We came and took over the entire resort (can't recall the name though). It was held about two weeks after AidilFitri... so it became a Raya gathering of sorts as well.
As in usual Family Day, we organised telematches and drawing contest for the kids, among others. We also held a Qiamullail (also known as the "night prayer" performed by followers of Islam. It is not one of the five obligatory prayers required of all Muslims, yet still, Rasulullah S.A.W performed it many times and encouraged his companions to offer it for its many rewards and benefits.). We woke up at 4am and prayed until subuh. The Qiam was led by my young cousins - twins Shahir and Faisal. It was extremely gratifying to be able to perform the Qiam with my uncles, aunts and cousins.
The highlights of the Family Day was the "Malam Gemilang Raya" where all families in attendance were required to perform. Of course, instead of humiliating ourselves by trying to sing in front of my family members, both Yan and I made and forced our three young daughters to perform a dance routine to the tune of Sherina's Kembali Ke Sekolah (I must say it is still very much one of the catchy songs I've ever heard). And of course, six years on, the three girls had sworn that they would never ever do that again.
All in all, it was a fun night - we sang, danced, laughed and in some instances a few even shed tears. It was indeed a night where we as a family were overwhelmed with love. A night to remember indeed.