Mak Temoh turns 72
Alhamdulillah, today Mak Temoh turns 72. We went to Chor's place in Shah Alam and celebrate with her. Alhamdulillah she looks well today. Happy kot semua anak menantu cucu ada.
In Conversation: Cinderella Story
This conversation took place in a car while all of us were coming back from Nyah's house in Cheras a couple of weeks ago. It was during one of those nights where we went over to help out in the persiapan kahwin Affan. That night the girls and Yan helped out to siapkan wedding favours (ala-ala bunga telurlah). Masa ni Nyah's mak and his brother in-law also came by a visiting. (For the record and if you dear readers recalled an entry in this blog many many months ago, I did mention that Nyah, Yong and Abg Lan are abang2 and kakak Yan with diferent mother but all five including Kak grew up together with Bapak and Mak Kampar in Temoh and Kampar). Anyway, the girls did not realise that the lady that came by to Nyah's place that night adalah mak Nyah. Yalah, tak pernah jumpa pun. Only dalam kereta baru Bapak told them so.
Bapak: Tu tadi mak Pak Nyah korang tau tak?
Alia, Asma and Arissa: Huh! Ya ke?
and then
Alia: Jadi Mak Yong tu macam Cinderella lah ya?
Asma: Dan mak ngan Mak La are the two ugly step sisters!!!!
Asma: Jadi Pak Yeop jadi hero lah ya. Jadik Prince Charmiing. Prince Charming yang ada uban.
Mak and Bapak: $@%%%$#@&&&^%*^$$#%.
So Ladies and Gentleman, presenting :
Happily Ever After: Cinderella and her two ugly step sisters. Masa ni kehidupan Cinderella dah bertambah baik. Sekarang ni dia jer yang dapat makan. Yang dua orang lagi tu jadik inang jer lah ya.
Bapak: Tu tadi mak Pak Nyah korang tau tak?
Alia, Asma and Arissa: Huh! Ya ke?
and then
Alia: Jadi Mak Yong tu macam Cinderella lah ya?
Asma: Dan mak ngan Mak La are the two ugly step sisters!!!!
Asma: Jadi Pak Yeop jadi hero lah ya. Jadik Prince Charmiing. Prince Charming yang ada uban.
Mak and Bapak: $@%%%$#@&&&^%*^$$#%.
So Ladies and Gentleman, presenting :

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