Last Thursday, I bumped into a kawan lama - Suraya Al-Attas. Masih gila macam dulu jugak. Dia ler satu2nya my friend yang glamour. Dulu depa2 panggil dia Kak Nam lagi. Ya lah kan, pernah jadi juri Akademi Fantasia ler katakan. We were part of the first NST journalism trainees about 20 years ago. There were about 20 of us then but only she was the only one left standing in NST today. Well two actually if we count Wan Hamidi Hamid who is now a NST specialist writer - but Midi ni dah melompat-lompat ke Star and The Sun among others before he found himself back in NST.
The last time we met was like 10 years ago when I left NST. Last week, met her while covering the stupid GIFA Award 2006 press conference. Met stupid Bollywood film stars like Salman Khan and John Abraham. Very very stupid functions. Tapi sempat jugak mengumpat kengkawan lain with Sue.

(Kawan-kawan lain masa NST PETS One include Juhaidi, Siva (tak ingat ler pulak his Muslim's name) Aita, Rosidi, Azwan (cikgu kat USM), Wan Sabariah (now Jelita editor), Raihanah (now Jelita assistant editor), Shukri, Sim, Karen, Elaine (still kat The Edge), Naresh, Pit Ling (best friend nih), Jahabar