We spent the weekend on the road. It started on Saturday and ended on Monday night. Penat ooo! But it was fun still. Met a lot of people along the way........ and the food we encountered.... sinful, really.

First, we left home (dlm hujan2 lebat giler) on Saturday petang around 3pm for Taman Tun where we attended my cousin Kak Mah and Abang Jahudi's open house. That nasi yang dimasak bersama kambing was simply outrageous. And the laksa asam really outstanding.

Then we made our way across town to Gombak to rumah Anom, another cousin. Lihatlah rumah dia yang amat interesting and very the nice - courtesy of her husband Nasir. Impressive giler. Anybody looking to do landscaping for their house, Nasir is the person you want to engage.

Kat dalam rumah (its a single storey to begin with), Nasir has built a loteng (dua tingkat lagi). The girls went ga ga over the loteng. Alia siap feeling jadi Nirina Zubir lagi (as in her character in Heart). Tapi time nak turun, haru biru ler pulak... especially Asma.

After makan, its duit Raya time with Wan Anom. Siap ada birthday gifts (belated) from Wan Anom and Opah Wan. And Anom, the mee goreng was sedap sangat. And the cute lemang tasted really well. After rumah Anom, we went back to Temoh. Spent overnight there before we made our way to rumah Meor in Jelapang, Ipoh on Sunday.

This is Meor Adi Fimiyun. Just tell me how can a baby boy be cuter than this? Such a friendly baby pulak tu. Memula dia takut tengok Ayah Ngah dia, agaknye terkejut tengok orang besar bagai monster... tapi nasib baik tak lama..

Arissa and Adi and their abah (just look at Adi, bijak ler sangat rupa dia)

Makan-makan di rumah Meor. Masak steak ayam you. Sedap bangat.

especially this potato salad

lepas makan, pergi membongkangkan diri kat living room while bebudak layan Naruto on TV. Eh cantik ler pulak plaster siling kat rumah Meor and Rina ni.

Lepas rumah Meor, kita orang gi Penang ler pulak. Yes, Penang. Rumah sapa lagi kalau tak rumah Ayah Anjang and Wan. Yun pun ada lagi - belum balik rumah dia lagi.
And Yun masak this original pizza yang empat segi. Sebab dia tak jumpa piza base, dia ganti ngan roti Gardenia jer. Sedap sangat.... ish makan, makan dan makan ajer.

On Monday, while I went for my appointment in Bayan Baru, the girls snap snap pix kat rumah Tok Anjang depa. Ini Asma and Arissa.

.... dan Alia

Dalam pukul 3 kami bertolak pulang through the feri, atas permintaan the girls...

and the ferry ride never fails to amaze the girls... very the pelancong!