Last weekend, Alia, our first born, treated us to a Carl's Junior amazing burgers
. For those not knowing, she's been working at MBO Cinemas in Subang Parade, manning the concession stand (which also means its free flow caramel popcorn for us, oh yeah!) since last January while waiting for her SPM result.
The mak and her Alia |
And she got her full salary last week. And she decided to 'belanja' us makan. At Carl's Junior in Subang Parade, which is located just next to MBO cinemas. How adventurous!!!
The sisters Asma and Arissa are also so sibuk to join in |
The wife and I can't really remember if we have set foot at Carl's Junior (the girls apparently have a couple of times when they were out with their friends) ever but I must say the burgers, although a bit bigger than what we are accustomed to (read: McD), are to die for!!!
The juiciest burger ever |