Last weekend, we made a trip to Taiping/Bagan Serai. The plan was to drive early Saturday morning and come back the same day. But then, something came up and we found ourselves driving up north on Friday afternoon, instead. The main reason for the trip was to attend a wedding. This time at Kak Nen's place (cousin Yan). Her son Im is getting married. Wah! ramai betul anak sedara kahwin tahun ni.
Anyway, we decided to stay overnight in Taiping as to not tire ourselves, almaklumlah dah tua-tua macam ni bukan larat sangat nak lasak. We decided to stay in Taiping as it's nearer to Bagan Serai. And perhaps to do some sight seeing as well. Kena pulak Taiping is considered a heritage town.
However, considering this year is a Visit Malaysia Year, being in Taiping is somewhat of a letdown. First, there's not many hotels to choose from. We went online looking for a decent place to stay (means murah and bersih). But we had a hard time looking for one. Tried the Seri Malaysia but as usual there's no more room to book. Then there's the quite popular Legend Inn but read a few not so good review from many others on Internet and struck it out from our list. Only then we settled with a Furama Hotel. Not bad. In fact, it's quite good. Bersih and cheap. Less than RM100 and we got a big room with two queen-sized beds. Apa nak lagi, kan?
But really, Taiping, apart from its beautiful Lake Garden is a let down. From a tourist point of view ler. There's nothing worthwhile to visit or see in Taiping. The town's dead by 8pm. There's not even a cinema or cineplexes in town. And we had a hard time looking for a decent makan place. We had a McDonalds for breakfast, of all things.
Anyhow, the lake garden did take our breath away....

The trees in lake garden are full of characters. Impressive.

The Furama Hotel. Positively Chinese inspired hotel and prompted Arissa to ask (as we driving up to the hotel): "Orang Islam boleh tinggal kat sini ker?

Arissa in the hotel room. Got selected Astro channels. So everybody's kind of happy.

The girls at lake garden. Already feeling2 konon2 kat Seoul Korea. The white Proton Saga sort of memusnahkan harapan untuk tayang-tayang kat member dia orang.

With Yan. Very Green.

If look carefully you could see the three girls kat pondok. They gave strict instruction to make their pix there look as if the photo's taken somewhere in Korea. (Tak habih2 Korea). By the time they reach the pondok, one Chinese guy pun sampai (in white on the left) untuk memancing as well as an Indian jogger pun duduk berehat2 kat situ. There goes...

The next day, we made our way to Bagan Serai, about 40 minutes away from Taiping. These are the Pengantin - Im and his wife. About 14 years ago, in the days leading up to our wedding, Yan said Im became her unofficial bodyguard. Mana Yan pergi, dia mesti ikut. Sekarang dia pulak dah kahwin.

This is us. Selepas makan kenduri. Sedap lar. Kenduri nasi putih dengan gulai lemak nenas ikan masin, ayam masak asam pedas, daging rendang dan sambal belacan siap ngan ulam2. Lain dari yang lain dan eh sedap lah. Kena pulak rumah Kak Nen ngan Abang Mian ni letak kat tengah-tengah bendang. Makin berselera makan.

Bergambar bersama pengantin. By the way, standing next to Bapak is Azmi - one of Yan's nephew jugak. Dia ni dulu belajar kat Universiti Malaya dan dulu2 selalu lepak kat rumah kami. Azmi ni very the entertaining punya anak sedara. Dulu ni masa dia baru masuk UM bodoh2 alang pun ada. Tapi kalau dia datang rumah, memang settle habih hal rumah. Masak dan mengemas rumah. Yan memang boleh berehat. Tapi sejak dia habih belajar empat tahun lalu dia dah tak datang dah. Dengar berita pun tidak. Sampai la hari ni. Terinagt pulak conversation dia ngan Asma masa dulu:
Asma: Abang Mi, Asma nak porridge boleh?
Abang Mi: Ala Asma, porridge tak de lah. Bubur nasi boleh? (And I tell you, he was damn serious masa ni, bukannya melawak)

Ini gambar ada seorang makcik tu baru balik dari bendang. Balik bawak balik padi.

Haaa, ini lah padinya. Jenuh pulak mengopek buah padi sebijik-bijik. Apa2lah Arissa.

In keeping up with a orang kahwin punya tradition kat kampung2, we pun join in serbu pakcik jual aiskrim. Hari pun panas...

At 4pm, kami mintak diri and balik. But on the way back we singgah Kuala Kangsar. Pergi makan Laksa Kuala kat tepi Sungai Perak. The laksa was really to LIVE for. Sedap giler. Tengok ler Yan dengan serius makan.

Ini pulak apom beras. Sedap jugak.

Lepas makan kami pergi amik gambar tepi sungai perak. Arissa masa ni tengah gayat berdiri kat pelantar. Apa raaaaa.
1 comment:
Lake Garden still the best...memang cam ala2 Korea gitu. Tapi kan, you tell the girls, without the White Proton Saga tu pun, the trash bin pun dah buat spoil. Korea punya tong sampah kaler merah...standard...hahaha.
Anyway, you all patut stay kat Taiping Resort. So far, I think that's the best hotel kot :-)
Taiping, tanah tumpahnya darahku... balik pun setahun sekali...hehehe
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