Then our mothers decided to play cupid - and we sort of went along with that, without qualms. (But of course, nowadays she would tell everybody that "dia kena kahwin paksa dulu!!)
We were almost strangers when were first married with only three outings between April 1993, when we got engaged and Nov 1993. Dating would not be an appropriate term here because it's not as one was simply a trip to my brother's place in Shah Alam with her niece Nisah while the other was when I picked her up at her office and sent her to Pudu (only once, okay). And the last one was when she accompanied me to a dentist in Kampar.
But like many "bertunang" couple we spoke on the phone almost everyday. However, when I dropped by at her place for lunch (which happened almost everytime I "balik kampung"), we hardly talked to each other. I just came, sengih-sengih, sembang sikit with bakal mak mentua, makan and balik. Prompting the MIL to ponder out loud, "telefon lama-lama banyak pulak cakap ya?" Yes, our pre-marriage relationships was on that level.
Alhamdulillah, after we got "nikah" on 19 Nov 1993, we found out that we are compatible in every imaginable way. And both of us work hard at maintaining that compatiblity.. even till to this very day.
I could not have asked for a better life than this one I'm having now. Because I'm spending it with Yan.
Happy Anniversary. Cinta ini Tiada Akhirnya!
congratulation to both of you and pray that you both will have many more....
macam citer my dad and my mum jer your love story nih.....
Dear Mior and Azian,
Congratulations, and Happy 14th Anniversary!
Here's wishing the both of you MANY, MANY, MANY MORE HAPPY YEARS TOGETHER. Amin...Insya Allah.
Bila baca heartwarming entries macam ni, mesti bergenang air mata...What to do? I'm an emo person!
Congratulations! :o)
Happy 14th Anniversary :o) Semoga panjang jodoh & bahagia selamanya.
Happy 14th Anniversary!!!
Abg a'a and Kak Yan
gosh it has been 14 years ekkk lama tuh...still remember ur nikah was kindda funny hehehe..people kept on saying how nervous u were on that day and they were grateful that u were not aware that the mike that u used for lafaz nikah was the surau's mike(mike azan tuh) org perempuan yg kat luar surau pun bleh dengar kan hahahah
tak mau buat kenduri ker? or u wanna wait next year? after all it will be a jubli perak thingy hehehhe
Thanks! Macam citer org dolu2 kan? hehe
Heartwarming? Ye ke? But thanks anyway. InsyaAllah.
Let us read about you and Ayah pulak, can? (Ker dah ada?)
Anon (9:21)
Thanks di atas doa.
Like many other grooms, of course I was nervous. And they shoved the microphone azan to me when I utter the lafaz, can you imagine that? Even orang ramai kat rumah Kak Yan could hear my lafaz that night! Ambik ko, satu pekan heard I got married that night. Hahaha!
Kenduri? Tak delah, ramai lagi orang yang dah berpuluh tahun kahwin aman bahagia who should buat kenduri like your mom and dad. Depa bila lagi nak buat kenduri?
Mioq and Azian,
BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome partnership...I still remember the day Mioq told me that he finally found his life partner..ha ha ha....And I still have your akad nikah picture - dok bersimpuh (pada jarak yang agak jauh...berlakon habis..ha ha ha..:)dengan penuh kesopanan dan senyum separa ketaq2....ha ha ha..So happy for both of you - you give good name to the marriage institution....:) Bless your family - always.
Mior, Congratulation on the 14th anniversary. I have been there and celebrated our 40th Anniversary in 2002 and still on the journey together. A great journey full of wonder. It has indeed been a colorful one. Have a nice day and take care.
Salam Pak mior dan Azian:
Alhamdulillah dan tahniah.Semoga ALLAH murahkan rezeki yang halal dan melimpahkan rahmatNya setiap masa.Semoga disinari Hidayah dan Taufik untuk Mior,Yan dan anak-anak semua senjadi insan soleh/solehah yang akan mendoakan Mior dan Yan nanti. love story is so simple but the result it had is a gem.
Itulah, kalau jodoh takkan ke mana.
TA juga doakan agar dipanjangkan usia supaya dapat terus beramal dan kalian terus bercinta hingga akhir hayat.Amin Ya Rabb.
Once again, TAHNIAH di hari ulangtahun perkahwinan ke 14.
Thanks a million. Coming from you, tersentuh sesangat. I remembered you were in London then. I came by to London a few months later and we had serunding daging and tumis bilis, cooked by Azian, while there.
Bila nak balik KL. Datang rumah ya, and so sorry about the other day... you got to allow us to make amend.
Salam Pak Idrus,
Thank You Sir, I'm honoured to have you here. and to wish us both. Terima kasih sekali lagi. My only doa is to have a glorious partnerships just like yours. InsyaAllah.
Salam Tok,
Terima Kasih di atas doa yang dipanjangkan. Love story yang pendek sebelum kahwin tetapi berpanjangan sesudahnya. Alhamduliilah. How's yours? Mai citer sikit... we are all ears, sir!
pak mior.....happy you and Yan!
Memang terserlah cinta yg bersemi itu bercahaya...dan tak mungkin berahir....especially dengan usaha untuk lebih menyubur kan rasa kasih sayang....
love, is afterall a VERB....memerlukan usaha.
Cinta dari zaman my view is very special...sbb cinta bedasarkan pertalian saling menghormati dan mengambil berat itu...lebih kukuh dan tidak serapuh cinta berdasarkan nafsu dan rambang mata orang muda.
semoga terus kekal abadi....hingga ke syurga terus bersama.
Dear Mior,
Dah ada posting dah sebenornye...
Feel free to visit my 26/04/07posting :D - for a round of cerita Hindustan...
Salam Mior,
Lewat sadikit sampai ke sini. Taniah untuk Ulang Tahun ke 14 ini. Semoga berbahagia dan berkekalan ke akhir hayat. InsyaAllah.
Mior and Yan:
congrats! and Happy anniversary!
may there be many many more years of bliss and love and everything that comes with your wonderful marriage!
Wow, Mior....such a delightful story.
it's good to know that in this day and age, there are couples who still believe in tradisi perkenalan/pertemuan....
take care...salam to YAN and loves to the girls.
Salam Bro,
Pak Mior and Mak Azian - cam le aku ni budak lagi :) - Congratulations!
Semoga jodoh Pak Mior dan Mak Azian berkekalan dalam kebahagian dan keimanan, dan dimurahkan rezeki. Dan semoga diketemukan semula di hari kemudian nanti, insyAllah. Amin.
peewit! :) - maaf, kepala tengah jam sikit.
Pak Payne,
My wish is to live with Yan happily ever after. Thanks for the ucap selamat. But ours was not cinta dari zaman budak2. In fact when I was growing up,Yan doesn't really know me and likewise. Bila jumpa pun, which is seldom, memang buat tak tau lar. I, of course kena maintain macho.
Just read that delightful and romantic entry. I could see a movie coming out of that "The Love Letters". Sure a box office hit punyer. Sadly letter writing is no longer a part of our life.
Pak zab,
Terima kasih dari kami berdua
Shah Bro:
Thanks, mate. Anda bila lagi?
Kak Ena,
Thanks. I was a real bad boyfriend/tunang. Nowadays, Yan kept on harping to the kids "nak belanja KFC pun dia tak mau!"
Salam Pak Mior..
Congrats dan Happy Anniversary...
Semuga dipanjangkan jodoh ,di murahkan rezeki dan selamat di dunia dan akhirat.
P/s..nice love story..jodoh yang dah tertulis sejak azali lagi...
ah.. romantiknyer.. hihi.. semoga berkekalan ke akhir hayat..
Doc Mokk,
Terima Kasih. Alhamdulillah.
TQ... sudah sihat? Fudel camna?
Mioq, how could I ever forget samabl tumis cunggg Yan yang kita pulun makan kat London and I cakap you tak leh makan banyak2 sebab nanti pulang ada isteri untuk masak banyak2 lagi...ha ha ha...(gila kuasa besar2an..:) Insyallah I will definitely come over to your place cuma tak tau bila...Early of next month akan pulang KL for a meeting then flying off to two different countries within a week or so and then terus pulang Png for students registration..begitulah kekalutan kehidupan ku...but again, sejak bila hidup I tak kalut kan? ha ha ha....neber mind, ada rezeki kita ketemu Pak....meanwhile, enjoy life and its goodness....:)
To Pak Mior & Mak Yan...
Tahniah Pak.. Lovely tribute to your marriage..
May you find eternal happiness and God's Blessing forver.. Insya'Allah/
InsyaAllah, kota kan ketemu nanti.
Bro Mat:
Thank you and Amin!
Mior...Thanks for this entry..Otherwise I my 14th anniversary would have eluded me for the first time....HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND AZIAN!
Hey got hitched two days before I did!
aiseh bg mior, i'm late again. first of all, congrats on your 14th anniversary. 2ndly, those 'meetings' were far more romantic for that little unconventional approach by 90s standard. i really llok up to you and kak yan la bro. remember in your previous entries i said i'd ask tips from you? i'm sure as hell to seek a few if, insyaAllah i've found the way in getting hitched. in the mean time, i'm making sure we're buddies for a long time to come. just like kak yan's and your parents. amin.
Thanks. And that explains why your Khadijah and My Alia are of the same age.
And Happy Anniversary to you too.
Aiseh man, thank you.You hang in there, bro! Sudah sihat ker?
tahniah, tahniah. Maaaf kak teh lambat sikit. Alhamdulillah dan kak teh harap berbahagialah ke anak cucu. Bulan depan kak teh dan Ag akan menyambut 28 tahun bersama - Insyaallah.
Kak Teh,
Alhamdulillah Kak Teh. 28 years... wohooo lama tu. Gloriously delightful.
And Thank You. Nanti December jadi ker balik?
jadi balik, esok terbang - ag terbang tulat ...insyaallah.
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