
A Day for Bapak!

Yesterday was a Father's Day. To all my friends who are bapak, abah, ayah, papa, and daddy, my best wishes to you.
As for this Bapak, the girls (and their Mak) baked my favorite cake. And that made my day.
I love being a bapak. The girls - Alia, Asma and Arissa - are my sweetheart. My only hope is that they will grow up to be beautiful Muslimah. And in the word of Randy Pausch, I also want them to grow up knowing that I was the first man ever to fall in love with each of them.

As bapak and the whole family are still nursing bad bout of flu, fever and diarhhea, we didn't go out to celebrate. Instead, Bapak and Asma invaded the kitchen and later presented the family with this dish. Then we ate together together. Happy.


Unknown said...

Happy Fathers Day !
Daging tu sedap (:

anom said...

Happy Belated Father's Day Abg a!! Sorry to hear that the whole family was sick.. Hope everyone dah sihat dah..

Mior Azhar said...

Anom thanks. Masih tak sihat lagi lar.... bersilih ganti.... but last week was really baaaad.... sampai bed ridden gitu