I was going through my old boxes earlier and stumbled upon these two vintage photos.... and had a good laugh with the girls.... Its the wedding pictures of their grandparents. I must say their weddings looked much more happening than ours. Hmm.
1961 - My father in law with mother in law. In their western garb... a must for many Malay weddings even back then. And there's a typewritten caption at the back of the pix:
Perkahwinan Antara Suami & Isteri. Ia-Itu Si-Hasan Dengan Si-Siah. Hahahaha... how very 60s.
1962 - My bapak and mak. In a more traditional getup fit for Raja Sehari. I noticed too that in those days, the pelamin(dais) usually would be decorated with plants or
pokok bunga yang ditanam sendiri di rumah.
1993 - Our wedding. we didn't do the
bersanding and therefore no
pelamin for us. And this picture is the closest thing that we have to the
bersanding ceremony.
Three weddings different decades... wonder how my daughters (
panjang umur and murah rezeki) weddings will turn out?
By the way, one trivia question.... The three weddings above had one thing in common. What is it? Take a guess....
Salam Mior
You are the splitting image of your dad!
Salaam Pak Mior,
I can only notice that none of the queens of the day smiling la on all the pictures. Hrm~~~ apa dah jadi?
Senyum dalam hati tu.... :)
Got some of the old-skool pictures also, ada lah satu kotak hahaha. Serious, kalau baca dia punya caption tu, mau ketawa macam nak rak dunia :)
apa yek?? all of them are done in Perak?? betul ke??
you pun tak bersanding? samalah dengankak teh. WE had two cushions in the lounge, lots of relatives and friends. The closest to bersanding that we have now is when we visit children of friends' weddings and then tumpang duduk sat atas pelamin!
aaah, comelnya cik Yan!
abg a.. apa yek ?? cannot figure out la..cepat la bagi jawapan.. tak sabar ni!!
Geee thanks... I never thought I look like my dad but I love it when people say we look alike..makes my day.. anak bapak le katakan
Salam Akmal,
dah start classes? anyway old pictures always make us laugh away right... and apa lagi if ada pulak taruh caption lagi lar poyo...
And yes,you are right none of the brides smiled... tension kot?
Are back in Saudi? How's the raya and the wedding?
Er you got it right on the location... but I wasn't referring to the venue laaar... something else hehehe
Kak Teh,
Ya ker? You mean you and your baju kebaya biru tak bersanding? Sayangnyaaaaa hahahaha. And tak sama lar Kak Teh, duk kat pelamin orang lain...
And thanks, comel kan my bride? I'm a lucky man!! but nowadays my youngest (who's always at loggerheads ngan bapak dia) selalu tanya Yan, macam mana lah mak nak kat bapak dulu? hahahahhaa
Jap la... Kak Yan herself masih tak tau the answer...duh... anti dia dpt tahu then 'let you know... (hint: I think Meor would be able to figure it out).
Eh bilak kita nak beraya ni?
Can I have two guesses?
(i) Wedding dates sama?
(ii) Same wedding photographers?
And yes - you look exactly like your Dad, Mior :)
opah kampar howt gler!
kte taw ape yg same!
kedue2 pengantin perempuan berkaca mata!
SALAH GILEEEEEEEEEE. soalan dia ketiga-tiga majlis perkawinan laaa.
Hope your days are better now...
and oops nope nope nope... but really same photographer? my, that guy would have been very old during Yan's and my wedding, no? hahahaha
kita tunggu Yan's answer... can?
7:41 PM
Yes I know.... jawapan yang selamat ialah tiga2 brides tu semua anak bongsu.
But I think the real answer yang dikehendaki would be that all the weddings were arranged marriage - kes kena paksa rela ... tu yang semua tak senyum except for one person... no need mention name here lar just see the pix...
Tapi kan Mior, kalau masa wedding parents you all, the photographer baru 20 years old ke, masa wedding you all, he would be around 45-50 year old what... :)
ooops, now you know how good my maths is? alamak...
ok i wanted to say sumthin but then lupe....but omg, tok nampak cam sultan mane wit that high tolok? that thing on his head. idk wat its called. =_=
ahh...kak yan so sweet. i remembered the first time you showed us gambaq ni kat ofis...and radiance asked so innocently like very the blur gitu: "who's this mior? definitely not you. .."
Salam Mior..
ya,u look like your dad ...
you and your wife..macam pinang di belah dua..sama-sama kacak dan cantik..
a'a.. tade sorg pun bride senyum.. nerves kot..
Now that you mention it, ye lah the tengkolok (or is it tanjak) look mighty high..tersangatlah vintage nya kan... mcm sultan kekekeke
Am I that vain? Tak ngat ler bila I showed that pix to people at office... merata-rata I jaja gambaq tu noooo... maklumler satu2nya gambar of myself yg decent hehehehe
Lama tak dengar cerita... hahaha, sudah berbelas tahun kahwin finally ada org cakap bagai pinang dibelah dua..... hahahahha thank you hehehehe
Laaaa mana pergi lama tak update citer? Now don't you go and followed all these brides' aksi when you on pelamin nanti... ikut mcm Che A'a ....ngeh ngeh
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