It was supposed to be a gathering of Alia’s and Asma’s friends to celebrate their belated birthday. But many did not turn up which sort of dampen the celebration. But the show must go and it did go on…. In the end, it was not that bad, the girls had fun!!!!!
As usual mak ngan bapak took the role of party planners and thanks to David Tutera, Yan managed to come up with a fresh look for the main party table. Since Alia and Asma are already have their own mind, they chipped in whenever possible, like preparing the goodie bags and other decorations.
But somehow, the whole entire affair was not that tiring anymore, unlike the many other majlis yang terdahulu.
Menu of the Party
Nasi himpit
Rendang Ayam Pedas
Makaroni Goreng
Shepherd Pie
French Fries
Air Sirap
Games Played At the party
Sound Charades – (Asma kena buat bunyi Mawi, camna tu?)
The Amazing Race – Alia punyer team stalled masa kena cari 10 tanda nama logo dalam magazines. Lepas tu they have to teka nama perisa makanan and they perform task buat karipap. Sapa yang tak biasa masuk dapur tu merasalah. Team Arissa terpaksa appoint dia as consultant sebab dia sorang jer tahu nak kelim tepi karipap. Termasuk ler kakak dia sendiri Alia.
As usual mak ngan bapak took the role of party planners and thanks to David Tutera, Yan managed to come up with a fresh look for the main party table. Since Alia and Asma are already have their own mind, they chipped in whenever possible, like preparing the goodie bags and other decorations.
But somehow, the whole entire affair was not that tiring anymore, unlike the many other majlis yang terdahulu.
Menu of the Party
Nasi himpit
Rendang Ayam Pedas
Makaroni Goreng
Shepherd Pie
French Fries
Air Sirap
Games Played At the party
Sound Charades – (Asma kena buat bunyi Mawi, camna tu?)
The Amazing Race – Alia punyer team stalled masa kena cari 10 tanda nama logo dalam magazines. Lepas tu they have to teka nama perisa makanan and they perform task buat karipap. Sapa yang tak biasa masuk dapur tu merasalah. Team Arissa terpaksa appoint dia as consultant sebab dia sorang jer tahu nak kelim tepi karipap. Termasuk ler kakak dia sendiri Alia.
Making Up – Yan donate dia punya make up kit and apa lagi, budak-budak tu jadi tak keruan ler. Girls will be girls.
Malaysia’s Next Top Model – Dah make-up cantik2, ada ler pulak catwalk contest.
SK 20 School Musical – Lepas tu, bila bapak dah masuk bilik tidur, the girls turned on the heat and danced the evening away.
Malaysia’s Next Top Model – Dah make-up cantik2, ada ler pulak catwalk contest.
SK 20 School Musical – Lepas tu, bila bapak dah masuk bilik tidur, the girls turned on the heat and danced the evening away.
Cari, cari jangan tak cari. The Amazing Race in progress
The Malaysian Next Top Model punya contestants
The gang at the party bergambar dengan kaftan biru Yan.
Winner of Malaysia's Next Top Model was chosen ala Survivor. Ini Asma at the Tribal Council

1 comment:
alahai abg a'a bila tgk the menu and the pics of the food cam terliur habis al maklum ler tgh posa kan hahahah anyway how come the girls are getting skinnier each day hhmmm what's da secret? inform la kat wan yone dia,so that i can implement the method in my daily schedule hahahha
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