What do I know about photography? Nothing would be the best answer and the only answer. Jadi it’s a great mystery jugaklah why the office picked me to join in. I was a bit hesitant as usual sebab satu kerja menambun kat office and most importantly the family tak ikut sekali. Apa ke jadahnya seronok.
The golden rule of pergi berjalan-jalan is to go with the people that you like and comfortable with. And in my book, that would be my family, and only my family.
However, I must admit that I was a bit excited jugak initially as I was under the impression that this would be something similar like the Amazing Race ker or at the very least the Explorace but I was dumbfounded when data tahu bahawasanya task race ni hanyalah untuk mengambil gambor-gambor aje. Boleh? Like how boring can it be!
And Ya Rabbi! It was boring to the maximum. Dahlah kena bangun awal pagi untuk catch Komuter then change to LRT to Dang Wangi sewaktu hari masih gelap gelita. They told me that the race starts at 8am from MTC in Jalan Ampang. Sampai kat Dang Wangi, menapak ler pulak ke MTC. Sampai2 aje, found out that the race starts at 10.30am after the launch of Photo Fest carnival.
The race was very the uneventful. First we were asked to take picture of Putra Mosque kat Putrajaya. Then proceed to Seremban Museum. How exciting, eh?
Lepas tu gi PD, kat sini adaler sedikit excitement sebab ada laut, and lepas tu singgah tengok extreme sport kat Extreme park. Quite interesting jugak rupanya the buggy and the ATV ni at close range.
Lepas tu singgah kat Eagle Ranch dan singgah amik gambar kat one jeti memancing dan lepas tu ke Nusa Dusun Orchard. By this time, hari dah petang dalam pukul 6. We rushed through the coastal road of Melaka until Pengkalan Balak or something.
Lepas menghabiskan masa kat tepi laut tah kat mana tah, we finally arrived kat Riviera Bay Hotel by 7.45pm. Naik bilik, mandi manda, turun makan jap, and then naik atas balik untuk apa lagi tidor ler. By 7.00am the next morning we checked out and pergi ambik gambar sikit lagi kat Bandar Melaka. By 12 something we were back at MTC.
Itu sajalah keseronokan yang dilalui.

Ini Zainal tengah dok pujuk makcik jual ikan tepi laut untuk bergambar
This is probably my best shot ever. Eversince forever. Cantikler jugak kan?
Extreme sports, participants dok sibuk amik gambar
Kami pergi naik Land Cruiser office. Itu Hafiz tengah naik buai. I will never buy a Land Cruiser. Siksa nak turun naik kereta. Dah lah badan berat.

Putra Mosque dari Lake Club
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Here's something that you might find interesting, if you happen to like photography.
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