Katakanlah you are presented with this situation (as below), how would you response ya?
Daughter No 2: Mak, kalau kita orang dah masuk sekolah menengah nanti boleh tak kita orang ber'couple'?
Mother: Ha?!! (seperti biasa terkejut badak lagi sekali dengan soalan2 sebegini). Kenapa pulak tetiba cakap macam ni?
Daughter No 2: Tak de lah. Boleh lah ya mak. Cousin "A" pun dah ada tiga boyfriend masa form one jer. Next year dia nak cari yang baru pulak.
Mother: Aik! Lawa sangat ker dia tu....
Daughter No 1: Itu ler yang peliknya.....
Majlis Ana&Hasri

Last Saturday, Kak's eldest daughter Farhana bertunang. Bertunang dengan Cikgu Hasri. Majlis bertunang amat2 ler meriah. Pihak lelaki jer bawak 25 bekas hantaran. Pihak kami pun lebih kurang jer. Meriah sungguh. Nasib baik rumah lapang dan luas. Disamping tu sibongsu Farid pun tumpang sekaki - majlis berkhatan dia.
Apapun enjoy sangat dapat berkumpul bersama bersuka ria dan bergelak ketawa. Lama tak pergi majlis kawin/tunang yang seseronok ini. InsyAllah nanti majlis perkahwinan semeriah ini.
Click on the slide show and enjoy the show.....
Click on the slide show and enjoy the show.....
Petronas Ads - Mummy's Version
Ini gambar Yan and her sweethearts. Best mummy in the world with the three best daughters in the world.
Anniversary Celebration 2006

But this year, our 13th anniversary, we celebrated it with Yan's mother, her two sisters and their families. Kami pergi Marrybrown kat Ipoh Parade. Yong and Yeop yang belanja while Kak and her soon to be son in law Hasri bought a blueberry cake. Dan yang seronoknya, kat Merrybrown Ipoh ni ada buaian macam kat atas nih. Tapi kan...apasal la kalau bergambar, selalunya yang lelaki tu jer yang lebih senyum.....

The anniversary cake yang di sponsor

Upacara memotong kek. Riuh satu Merrybrown....

Lepas tu kami gi Gerbang something kat tgh pekan Ipoh (macam Uptown ler kalau kat KL nih) tapi tak de gambor. Tapi ada ular sawa kat satu gerai, macam nak pengsan anak2 dara kami ketakutan bila lalu kat depan gerai ular nih.
Best sesangat!!!!! Thanks to all! Tahun depan, panjang umur, murah rezeki, anjurkan lah lagi, dan apa kata kita buat kat hotel memana lak....
Thirteen Wonderful Years
Come Sunday (19 November, 2006), Yan and I will be celebrating our 13th anniversary!! Thirteen wonderful and glorious years of our lives. Memetik kata orang tua-tua:
"Seorang isteri bukanlah hak milik seorang lelaki. Seorang isteri ialah anugerah kepada seorang suami." Spot On.
Thank You, Azian Hasan - my lover, my wife, my best friend, my adviser and ..... my life.
The following slide show is just for you, enjoy:
"Seorang isteri bukanlah hak milik seorang lelaki. Seorang isteri ialah anugerah kepada seorang suami." Spot On.
Thank You, Azian Hasan - my lover, my wife, my best friend, my adviser and ..... my life.
The following slide show is just for you, enjoy:
How Do You Know You’re Being a Good Parent?
Found this on the web semasa boring-boring kat office tadi….. (the ones in red are my additional two-cents). It says that you are an inspired parent...
Ø When you help your kids with their schoolwork (err, ada ker aku buat ni? But Yan definitely ada buat ni)
Ø When you take an interest in their hobbies (we more or less share hobbies – reading, surf the Internet and watching TV, okay ler kot)
Ø When you show affection to your wife/husband in front of them (ooooh this we do all the time…sampai Alia and Asma dah immune tapi Arissa masih tak dapat menerima haikat kehidupan sebenar)
Ø When you advocate that they speak to you and each other respectfully (mestilah kan walau we had to remind them over and over and over again)
Ø When you just enjoy being with your children and them with you (Definitely and it works both ways in our family)
Ø When your son or daughter comes running to you when they get hurt (usahkan “hurt” berkelahi sesame sendiri pun selalunya kita orang kena involve jugak)
Ø When your calendar is full of things to do with your children (our calendar is ONLY full of things to do with our girls)
Ø When you calmly and gently discipline your children without yelling or screaming (ada ker parents yang sabar ala–ala malaikat ni?)
Ø When you tuck your children into bed at night and tell them "I love you" and pray with them (always, all the time, every night)
Ø When you drive your kids to school in the morning (hari-hari, okay. Bukan takat hantar, ambik pun sekali)
Ø When you make Saturday/Sunday morning breakfast for them (For Yan, its daily okay not just weekends. Kalau weekend, selalunya mamak kat Restoran Melur take over buat breakfast for us)
Ø When you give your children responsibilities and chores (bagi, jangan tak bagi – nanti dewasa tau buat kerja and tau nak bawak diri)
Ø When you help your kids with their schoolwork (err, ada ker aku buat ni? But Yan definitely ada buat ni)
Ø When you take an interest in their hobbies (we more or less share hobbies – reading, surf the Internet and watching TV, okay ler kot)
Ø When you show affection to your wife/husband in front of them (ooooh this we do all the time…sampai Alia and Asma dah immune tapi Arissa masih tak dapat menerima haikat kehidupan sebenar)
Ø When you advocate that they speak to you and each other respectfully (mestilah kan walau we had to remind them over and over and over again)
Ø When you just enjoy being with your children and them with you (Definitely and it works both ways in our family)
Ø When your son or daughter comes running to you when they get hurt (usahkan “hurt” berkelahi sesame sendiri pun selalunya kita orang kena involve jugak)
Ø When your calendar is full of things to do with your children (our calendar is ONLY full of things to do with our girls)
Ø When you calmly and gently discipline your children without yelling or screaming (ada ker parents yang sabar ala–ala malaikat ni?)
Ø When you tuck your children into bed at night and tell them "I love you" and pray with them (always, all the time, every night)
Ø When you drive your kids to school in the morning (hari-hari, okay. Bukan takat hantar, ambik pun sekali)
Ø When you make Saturday/Sunday morning breakfast for them (For Yan, its daily okay not just weekends. Kalau weekend, selalunya mamak kat Restoran Melur take over buat breakfast for us)
Ø When you give your children responsibilities and chores (bagi, jangan tak bagi – nanti dewasa tau buat kerja and tau nak bawak diri)
Whirlwind Road Trip!!!
We spent the weekend on the road. It started on Saturday and ended on Monday night. Penat ooo! But it was fun still. Met a lot of people along the way........ and the food we encountered.... sinful, really.
First, we left home (dlm hujan2 lebat giler) on Saturday petang around 3pm for Taman Tun where we attended my cousin Kak Mah and Abang Jahudi's open house. That nasi yang dimasak bersama kambing was simply outrageous. And the laksa asam really outstanding.
Then we made our way across town to Gombak to rumah Anom, another cousin. Lihatlah rumah dia yang amat interesting and very the nice - courtesy of her husband Nasir. Impressive giler. Anybody looking to do landscaping for their house, Nasir is the person you want to engage.
Kat dalam rumah (its a single storey to begin with), Nasir has built a loteng (dua tingkat lagi). The girls went ga ga over the loteng. Alia siap feeling jadi Nirina Zubir lagi (as in her character in Heart). Tapi time nak turun, haru biru ler pulak... especially Asma.
After makan, its duit Raya time with Wan Anom. Siap ada birthday gifts (belated) from Wan Anom and Opah Wan. And Anom, the mee goreng was sedap sangat. And the cute lemang tasted really well. After rumah Anom, we went back to Temoh. Spent overnight there before we made our way to rumah Meor in Jelapang, Ipoh on Sunday.
This is Meor Adi Fimiyun. Just tell me how can a baby boy be cuter than this? Such a friendly baby pulak tu. Memula dia takut tengok Ayah Ngah dia, agaknye terkejut tengok orang besar bagai monster... tapi nasib baik tak lama..
Arissa and Adi and their abah (just look at Adi, bijak ler sangat rupa dia)
Makan-makan di rumah Meor. Masak steak ayam you. Sedap bangat.
especially this potato salad
lepas makan, pergi membongkangkan diri kat living room while bebudak layan Naruto on TV. Eh cantik ler pulak plaster siling kat rumah Meor and Rina ni.
Lepas rumah Meor, kita orang gi Penang ler pulak. Yes, Penang. Rumah sapa lagi kalau tak rumah Ayah Anjang and Wan. Yun pun ada lagi - belum balik rumah dia lagi.
And Yun masak this original pizza yang empat segi. Sebab dia tak jumpa piza base, dia ganti ngan roti Gardenia jer. Sedap sangat.... ish makan, makan dan makan ajer.
On Monday, while I went for my appointment in Bayan Baru, the girls snap snap pix kat rumah Tok Anjang depa. Ini Asma and Arissa.
.... dan Alia
Dalam pukul 3 kami bertolak pulang through the feri, atas permintaan the girls...

and the ferry ride never fails to amaze the girls... very the pelancong!

And Yun masak this original pizza yang empat segi. Sebab dia tak jumpa piza base, dia ganti ngan roti Gardenia jer. Sedap sangat.... ish makan, makan dan makan ajer.

and the ferry ride never fails to amaze the girls... very the pelancong!
Open House in Bangsar
Arissa is 10 today!!!!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!!

When a Fat Man Goes To Taman Negara
If you are fat and extremely unfit, stay away from Taman Negara Pahang!! I've learnt my lesson and will never subject myself to such torture and humiliation ever again. Yes, I went to Taman Negara last weekend and regreted doing so, big time. I was there for the Asia Pacific Eco Tourism Conference and had a miserable time through and through. I didn't realise that I've turned into a huge kampung boy turned lupa daratan punya city slicker until I stepped into the jetty at Kuala Tahan, the most popular entry point of the National Park.
Getting down to the jetty was a huge effort for me, climbing up from the jetty was a torture, walking along the river bank was ridiculously hard and everything were simply no fun. And to make matter worst, there's a girl in my group who thought she was being funny and kept on laughing and said out loud to everybody " itu orang gemuk kan? itu gemuk kan, oooi orang gemuk pegi belakang."? She's lucky I was forever busy catching my breath as otherwise she'll be dead by now.
While in Kuala Tahan, we stayed at this Rainforest Resort(resort kepala hotak), mandi jer habih air melimpah masuk bilik. Very the basic punyer resort. Yelar orang yang datang sini pun bukannya nak duduk dalam bilik lelama ye tak. Orang datang sini nak go for adventure segala unlike me.
The conference was held at the Mutiara Resort, which is located across the river. Punyeler bercinta kalau nak pergi sebab nak kena cross the river pakai boat. Nak gi ke boat jer dah memang siksa sebab riverbank dia penuh dengan batu batuan yang sebesar2 bola ragbi -, macam tunggu time jer nak terpeliuk kaki and jatuh terguling-guling. Malam bila kami sampai tuh we were invited to go for a night walk kat belakang resort ni. Nyesal sampai sekarang sebab masa duduk kat kampung dulu pun tak pernah buat kerja bodoh jalan-jalan di malam buta. Tapi kat sini ikut ler pulak, memang mangkuk sangat sebab at the end of the walk, yang nampak sesangat ialah a total darkness dimerata-rata. Balik bilik jer terus tidur, penat ya amat-amat. Zul kata bilik bergegar gila malam tu... (nasib dia tak nak tidur sebab nak melayan telepon)
The only highlight for me _the only one okay - is the river cruise. (but turun naik boat is different story altogether sebab bukan macam naik kereta yang diam tetap atas tanah) Memang impressive lar the view kat sini. On the last day pun kami balik ikut Kuala Tembeling iaitu naik boat. Nice jugak walaupun the journey took us about 2 hours. On the way back, we singgah kat canopy walk yang famous kat sini. I tried to pergi but sampai separuh jalan jer sebab nak gi ke canopy to jer macam kena panjat bukit securam2nya. Dah ler licin amat2. Kang tak pasal2 tak balik ler pulak orang gemuk ni. Itu pun dah ingatkan nak mati dah.
Getting down to the jetty was a huge effort for me, climbing up from the jetty was a torture, walking along the river bank was ridiculously hard and everything were simply no fun. And to make matter worst, there's a girl in my group who thought she was being funny and kept on laughing and said out loud to everybody " itu orang gemuk kan? itu gemuk kan, oooi orang gemuk pegi belakang."? She's lucky I was forever busy catching my breath as otherwise she'll be dead by now.

These Ladies are My Cousins
Due to age differences, these ladies were never particularly close to me. We seldom, very seldom, meet. Most of the time, I meet them during kenduris or majlis hari raya. Once in a while they'll come over to my place that is only when Mak is around. Other than that we pretty much go our own way. But jikalau bertemu, seperti biasa riuh rendah ler jugak. Adat ler kan.
And today, these ladies came over to berhari raya. To make it more special all eight came. A feat really sebab jarang sangat dapat jumpa dia orang ni serentak walaupun semuanya ada di KL.
These are my dear cousins Chor Teh, Nyah Intan, Kak Embun, Kak Timah, Kak Bor, Kak Ella, Kak Ana and Kak Odi. Anak-anak arwah Ayah Lang and Wan Biah.
Nama panggilan tak le berapa commercial but trust me these are glamour people. Siap ada dua orang Datin lagi. Real ones and most unassuming, okay!!
And today, these ladies came over to berhari raya. To make it more special all eight came. A feat really sebab jarang sangat dapat jumpa dia orang ni serentak walaupun semuanya ada di KL.
These are my dear cousins Chor Teh, Nyah Intan, Kak Embun, Kak Timah, Kak Bor, Kak Ella, Kak Ana and Kak Odi. Anak-anak arwah Ayah Lang and Wan Biah.
Nama panggilan tak le berapa commercial but trust me these are glamour people. Siap ada dua orang Datin lagi. Real ones and most unassuming, okay!!
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