I wonder what ever happened to Azhar, Ahmad Nawawi, Adzman Alias, Tajul Rosli, Amran, Zaiton Jamil, Karaihanah, Hamid, Baha, Loke Yuen Cheng, Michael Lai, Ng Kwai Meng, Seng Chong, Kwek Seng, Latizah, Hasila, Murugan, Kavitha, Chee Wai, Chin Chin, Wai Kit, Lai Ping, Zainuddin Tan, Zahari, Zainab, Nortaksiah, Yew Kuan and Yew Onn, Fauzi, Roszeman, Azman, Norizah (ini lelaki tau), Rajendran, Roshazmi Dawood, Salina, Zarin, Dzuraini,Faizah, Norhasiah, Leong Wai Seng, Fong Yuen Peng and many more?
org pun rindu rumah kampar tu la.. umah org wat kenduri kawen.. hehe.. byk sweet memories there.. huhu..
Askum Mior,
Kita sama-sama di Kampar dulu, pernah dlm satu class masa form 1 sampai form 3 kalau tak silap.Semua nama yg you mentioned tu kekawan I jugak,punye lah lame dulu dah hampir lupus dari ingatan I.Mcmanalah you boleh ingat nama-nama tu semua ?
this is the url to my blog/book club. :)
Eh, nie nape orang temoh ngaku orang kampar nie ??????????
jinb, sukati orglarr nak ngaku org mana pun!
Mior, Harman Shah pointed me to your blog. Looks like I did not make the cut on your recall list of names :-) But I hope I am not totally out of mind. Some of those you mentioned, I know where they are, most of the others, I am also wondering about them like you.
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