Sebagai orang yang asalnya dari Perak, I speak the Perak dialect at home. Unfortunately, unlike the Kelantanese or oghang Penang , Kedah or Perlis, the Perakians somehow leave their dialect at home when they venture out of the state.
We somehow embrace the bahasa baku or bahasa KL more easily than our Penang or Kelantan neighbours.
And yet I still use bahasa Perak whenever possible – not that it is that hard to understand us macam dialek Kelantan that can leave many of us still stumped.
Anyway, mine wasn’t that heavy an accent as even I was growing up, we speak moderate Perak dialect. It means that ours are not as heavily accented as spoken by, say, orang Parit or oghang Kuale (Kuala Kangsar). I guess this is also due to the fact ramai orang Jawa, Ghawa, Dagang, Cina dan India di kawasan tempat saya membesar.
Seperti lain-lain dialek, selalunya kalau orang luar attempt to bercakap Perak, memang tak menjadi. Pelik bunyinya. I must say, even my daughters pun kalau cakap Perak pun agak pelik bunyinya.
One primary rule of dialek Perak ialah selalunya bunyi “a” and “i” akan bertukar jadi “o”. Such as air jadi ayo, gambar jadi gambo. And then most of our “r” will become “gh” such as orang jadi oghang.
Satu lagi orang Perak suka buang bunyi kat kat hujung perkataan. Contohnya kunen, anjin, kelinkin, dan kamben – which means kuning, anjing, kelingking and kambing respectively. Tapi ada juga yang still retain the “ng” such as panjang, gering dan a few more. Confuse kan? Only orang Perak jer tahu bilamasa nak guna
Selain itu panggilan untuk orang yang lebih tua jugak ada yang very specially Perak such as Yeop, Chor or Lop to refer abang paling sulong ataupun Yong untuk kakak sulong. Untuk yang bongsu, instead of Su we call them chu.
Here are some of the dialek Perak that most people in Perak use ---
a. Teman dan Mike (as in mee ker): This is gantinama aku dan engkau. Apparently masih ramai yang menggunakannya di Perak, especially kat belah-belah Parit dan kawasan sekitar. Tapi seingatnya, perkataan teman itu sendiri selalunya diguna-pakai oleh kaum lelaki dan among friends sahaja. Correct me if I’m wrong. Kalau among family members, selalunya kita guna nama atau panggilan diri sendiri Zul atau Yop dan segala to replace aku. Masa kat sekolah dulu, my friends and I use “aku dan kamu”. Dan selalunya orang perempuan tak guna gantinama teman ni. Or jarang sekali.
b. Kome: Bermaksud awak semua. But use this only with your friends or to address those younger than you. Never ever use this to address orang yang lebih tua. Among us Perakian, kome is a rather crude gantinama actually.
c. Kume: Bunyi lebih kurang sama ngan kome but kume (koo me) means kami. But somehow only lidah orang Perak jer yang boleh sebut this word perfectly sbb otherwise ia akan kedengaran seperti kome.
d. Sembei: Pasir halus (kadang-kadang kita orang panggil pashior)
e. Geghotak: Titi atau jambatan
f. Tak Mandang: Tak Ada
g. Bela: Baiki. Dulu sekali masa kat universiti, I went to my friend Halim’s house kat Sungai Penchala and ayah dia tanya “kenapa lambat, Mior?” And I answered: “Saya pergi bela motor dulu tadi , pakcik.” Then he looked at me satu macam ajer. Yeah, right, I’m a sicko having an affair with my motorcycle.
h. Lotor: Lontar. Hari tu Wancik (my aunt) suruh Mai (my cousin who grew up in Shah Alam) “lotor” kunci dari atas ke bawah. Mai tengok jer kat Wancik, tak tau nak buat apa, sebab tak paham.
i. Gebor: Selimut
j. Ngetor: Mengeletar (like shivering)
k. Tumpo: Kalah
l. Dedor: Ala-ala nak demam.
Dan banyak lagi, nanti lah duduk sembang ngan Mak serta my aunts WanCik and Chu nak compile lagi dialek Perak nih.
In Conversation – The Family
More conversations at home:
Babak menyakat anak….
Alia: Mak, boleh tak tolong cakap kat bapak jangan usik-usik Alia lagi dengan budak F…… tu? Alia tak suka lar!
Mak: Mak boleh cakap kat bapak. Tapi masalahnya Mak pun suka Alia ngan dia….
Alia: Oh! Tidaaaaak! Kenapalah ada parents macam nih….
Babak cucu blur….
(Ini masa Opah Kampar demam panas masa Chinese New Year. Demam agak teruk sampai meracau-racau dan cakap pun ada sikit repek-repek – maklumler demam tak kebah2)
Opah K: Opah ni agaknya dah nak mati dah kot Asma.
Asma: (diam jer)
Opah K: Orang kata kalau dah dekat ajal hidung jadi kembang. Hidung Opah kembang tak Asma?
Asma: Bukan hidung Opah memang selalu kembang ker?
Opah: (Terkedu kejap!) Orang kata kalau nak mati, cuping telinga pun jadi mengelebeh. Telinga Opah ni dah mengelebeh lah Asma!
Asma: (Diam jap tapi lepas tu…) Ya lah Opah, betul cakap Opah!
Babak menyakat anak….
Alia: Mak, boleh tak tolong cakap kat bapak jangan usik-usik Alia lagi dengan budak F…… tu? Alia tak suka lar!
Mak: Mak boleh cakap kat bapak. Tapi masalahnya Mak pun suka Alia ngan dia….
Alia: Oh! Tidaaaaak! Kenapalah ada parents macam nih….
Babak cucu blur….
(Ini masa Opah Kampar demam panas masa Chinese New Year. Demam agak teruk sampai meracau-racau dan cakap pun ada sikit repek-repek – maklumler demam tak kebah2)
Opah K: Opah ni agaknya dah nak mati dah kot Asma.
Asma: (diam jer)
Opah K: Orang kata kalau dah dekat ajal hidung jadi kembang. Hidung Opah kembang tak Asma?
Asma: Bukan hidung Opah memang selalu kembang ker?
Opah: (Terkedu kejap!) Orang kata kalau nak mati, cuping telinga pun jadi mengelebeh. Telinga Opah ni dah mengelebeh lah Asma!
Asma: (Diam jap tapi lepas tu…) Ya lah Opah, betul cakap Opah!
Mengejar Matahari
Tadi malam, ingatkan mahu tidur, tetapi turn on the TV sekejap. Sedang seronok tukar-tukat channel, terberhenti kat 8TV. Heranler pulak, apahal ada citer Indonesia memalam buta ni. Cadangnya nak tengok sekejap. Alih2, tengok sampai habih. Dengan mulut ternganga. Terpana sekejap. Verdict: 10 bintang gue kasi!!!!!!!!
Nama cerita : Mengejar Matahari. Cerita tentang persahabatan 4 pemuda (dari berlainan latar-belakang dan permasalahan keluarga) yang tinggal di kawasan perumahan sederhana rendah di Jakarta. Ardi, Damar, Apin dan Nino bersahabat sejak kecil dan memiliki latar belakang keluarga yang sangat berbeda. Mereka memiliki kebiasaan bersama yaitu Mengejar Matahari, berlari ke arah matahari yang terbenam. Seolah-olah lupa akan masalah yang sedang mereka hadapi dan merasa bebas. Dan tentunya bilamana mereka mula dewasa, masalah mula timbul yang menganggu-gugat persabatan ini.
Superb acting all-round.
Nama cerita : Mengejar Matahari. Cerita tentang persahabatan 4 pemuda (dari berlainan latar-belakang dan permasalahan keluarga) yang tinggal di kawasan perumahan sederhana rendah di Jakarta. Ardi, Damar, Apin dan Nino bersahabat sejak kecil dan memiliki latar belakang keluarga yang sangat berbeda. Mereka memiliki kebiasaan bersama yaitu Mengejar Matahari, berlari ke arah matahari yang terbenam. Seolah-olah lupa akan masalah yang sedang mereka hadapi dan merasa bebas. Dan tentunya bilamana mereka mula dewasa, masalah mula timbul yang menganggu-gugat persabatan ini.
Superb acting all-round.
Dua kata bagus dari ini film:
"Kamu tidak pernah merasa memiliki sampai kamu kehilangan"
"Orang datang dan pergi tetapi sahabat sejati akan selalu diingat di hati"
Is that deep or what?
Cikgu Hasan Bin Ngah Ismail
It was 5am on 16 March 1982 when Ayah Ngah (our uncle) woke my brother Chor and I. He quietly told us that Bapak called from Temoh and asked him to get us home on the first train out of KL Train Station. I was waiting for my SPM result then and was spending my free time at my aunt’s place in KL.
Chor who was in his first year at UTM then was just starting his semester break. And we were supposed to go jalan-jalan in KL that day. But that was not to happen as Bapak has ordered us home. Pronto.
The reason? Cikgu Hasan had just passed away the night before.
Cikgu Hasan was Bapak’s closest friend in Kampung Perak, Temoh, Perak. Rightly so as both of them had married local girls and moved into Kg Perak to live with their wives’ families. That was in the early 60s. I guess being “outsiders’ they clicked and became fast friends. It helped that both their wives are also good friends and were teaching in the same school then.
I really don’t remember much about Cikgu Hasan except that he would occasionally dropped by at our place to berbual-bual kosong with bapak. Bapak would also do the same – sometimes as he drove past Cikgu Hasan’s house on the way home from the bank and the good Cikgu was at home, he’ll stopped by for a chat.
What I remembered though was that they addressed each other in that endearing Perak’s terms of “mike and teman” instead of "aku/saya and kamu/engkau". After they passed on, I’ve yet to come across people who really uses these terms in their conversations effortlessly, ever.
I remembered once when a hit Hindi movie called Bobby came to Kampar, their wives and children wanted to watch it. Both of them, for reasons unknown to me till today, decided to watch it first. Just the two of them. Their verdict: "the movie was no good. We fell asleep early on during the movie. So no need to waste time and see it!"
So my mother did not get to watch Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh galivanting all over India. I don’t know about Cikgu Hasan’s family though.
And when both their wives were treated "very badly and unfairly" by their headmaster at school, the two husbands waged a war against the "villainuous" headmaster. Both Cikgu Hasan and Bapak even declared that should they die, their jenazah should not be buried next to the headmaster (of course, if the headmaster also pass on at about the same time).
And if my memory serves me right, they were once blacklisted (in early 70s) by the many UMNO-based kampung folks because they attended a ceramah held by an opposition. Their reaction? They simply laughed!
When I was in my kindergarten, I was pushed by a friend from a table (yes, I was on the table)and broke my arm. It was such a big thing for me. However, I refused to have my arm put in a cast and howled my way out of the hospital. Cikgu Hasan and his wife then suggested to my parents to have my arm treated traditionally. That night, they together with my parents brought me to a very small town called Banir for the treatment session consisting of merely massaging my broken arm.
I don't really remember how many times I went for the massage but most of the time Cikgu Hasan and his wife will be tagging along with us. That much I remembered. My arm healed about two weeks later and my mother decided to hold a kenduri doa selamat. It was during this kenduri that my parents formally announced that both Cikgu Hasan and his wife became my "bapak and mak angkat." Perhaps, its my parents way of showing their gratitude towards Cikgu Hasan and wife. Very the official.
In late 70s, Cikgu Hasan and his family left Temoh and moved to Kampar – about 7 miles away. He settled at Taman Melayu Jaya, a new housing area (brimming with teachers and former teachers) just outside the Kampar town.
Although, I went to school in Kampar, we hardly see them anymore. But I believed that Bapak kept in touch with his friend.
Today, 25 years had passed since Cikgu Hasan’s passing. Apparently, he suffered a heart attack about two weeks before. He was at home with the wife and his beautiful youngest daughter, then.
He was admitted to the Kampar Hospital that night. Apparently his condition worsened and he was subsequently transferred to Ipoh Hospital a few days later.
And on the night of 15.3.1982 at 8pm, surrounded by his beloved wife, brother, and children, Cikgu Hasan succumbed. Al- Fatihah.
He was 54 and left behind a devoted wife, five children and a granddaughter, Faizah. Twenty-five years on and today his grandchildren include Zaki, Nizam, Nisah, Affan, Naim, Fudhail, Amin, Shadilia, Shibli, Suhail, Saliha, Safia, Shakira, Farhana, Nurul, Aisyah, Izzati, Farid, Alia, Asma and Arissa.
By the way in 1993, Bapak’s second son (that’s me!) married Cikgu Hasan’s youngest daughter Azian.
Chor who was in his first year at UTM then was just starting his semester break. And we were supposed to go jalan-jalan in KL that day. But that was not to happen as Bapak has ordered us home. Pronto.
The reason? Cikgu Hasan had just passed away the night before.
Cikgu Hasan was Bapak’s closest friend in Kampung Perak, Temoh, Perak. Rightly so as both of them had married local girls and moved into Kg Perak to live with their wives’ families. That was in the early 60s. I guess being “outsiders’ they clicked and became fast friends. It helped that both their wives are also good friends and were teaching in the same school then.
I really don’t remember much about Cikgu Hasan except that he would occasionally dropped by at our place to berbual-bual kosong with bapak. Bapak would also do the same – sometimes as he drove past Cikgu Hasan’s house on the way home from the bank and the good Cikgu was at home, he’ll stopped by for a chat.
What I remembered though was that they addressed each other in that endearing Perak’s terms of “mike and teman” instead of "aku/saya and kamu/engkau". After they passed on, I’ve yet to come across people who really uses these terms in their conversations effortlessly, ever.
I remembered once when a hit Hindi movie called Bobby came to Kampar, their wives and children wanted to watch it. Both of them, for reasons unknown to me till today, decided to watch it first. Just the two of them. Their verdict: "the movie was no good. We fell asleep early on during the movie. So no need to waste time and see it!"
So my mother did not get to watch Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh galivanting all over India. I don’t know about Cikgu Hasan’s family though.
And when both their wives were treated "very badly and unfairly" by their headmaster at school, the two husbands waged a war against the "villainuous" headmaster. Both Cikgu Hasan and Bapak even declared that should they die, their jenazah should not be buried next to the headmaster (of course, if the headmaster also pass on at about the same time).
And if my memory serves me right, they were once blacklisted (in early 70s) by the many UMNO-based kampung folks because they attended a ceramah held by an opposition. Their reaction? They simply laughed!
When I was in my kindergarten, I was pushed by a friend from a table (yes, I was on the table)and broke my arm. It was such a big thing for me. However, I refused to have my arm put in a cast and howled my way out of the hospital. Cikgu Hasan and his wife then suggested to my parents to have my arm treated traditionally. That night, they together with my parents brought me to a very small town called Banir for the treatment session consisting of merely massaging my broken arm.
I don't really remember how many times I went for the massage but most of the time Cikgu Hasan and his wife will be tagging along with us. That much I remembered. My arm healed about two weeks later and my mother decided to hold a kenduri doa selamat. It was during this kenduri that my parents formally announced that both Cikgu Hasan and his wife became my "bapak and mak angkat." Perhaps, its my parents way of showing their gratitude towards Cikgu Hasan and wife. Very the official.
In late 70s, Cikgu Hasan and his family left Temoh and moved to Kampar – about 7 miles away. He settled at Taman Melayu Jaya, a new housing area (brimming with teachers and former teachers) just outside the Kampar town.
Although, I went to school in Kampar, we hardly see them anymore. But I believed that Bapak kept in touch with his friend.
Today, 25 years had passed since Cikgu Hasan’s passing. Apparently, he suffered a heart attack about two weeks before. He was at home with the wife and his beautiful youngest daughter, then.
He was admitted to the Kampar Hospital that night. Apparently his condition worsened and he was subsequently transferred to Ipoh Hospital a few days later.
And on the night of 15.3.1982 at 8pm, surrounded by his beloved wife, brother, and children, Cikgu Hasan succumbed. Al- Fatihah.
He was 54 and left behind a devoted wife, five children and a granddaughter, Faizah. Twenty-five years on and today his grandchildren include Zaki, Nizam, Nisah, Affan, Naim, Fudhail, Amin, Shadilia, Shibli, Suhail, Saliha, Safia, Shakira, Farhana, Nurul, Aisyah, Izzati, Farid, Alia, Asma and Arissa.
By the way in 1993, Bapak’s second son (that’s me!) married Cikgu Hasan’s youngest daughter Azian.
My Kind of Sunday
Nothing gives me more pleasure than spending my time with the family. And it was exactly what we did yesterday. It's my kind of Sunday. Leisurely and fun.
By 9 am something we were already on LDP heading towards Ikea to have breakfast. Did you know that we could have a hearty breakfast at Ikea's restaurant (tempat yang ada that delicious meatball segala) dengan harga yang murah? You tell me, where can we get a Nasi Lemak Ayam at only RM1.90 plus coffee and tea. But semalam, kami sampai quite late dan they have closed the breakfast counter. Damn.
But never fear - there are lots more eating places in Ikano. So we made our way there and enjoyed our breakfast. Lepas tu it's Popular Bookstore on the top floor. I must say, this Popular outlet is not too bad. We've been there many many times.
Anyways, lepas tu kami ke Restoran Puteri di Pinggiran Taman Tun Dr Ismail yang berdekatan. For lunch. Dengan Anom, Nasir, Ayah Anjang, Wan, Ayah Chik, Achik, Meor, Rina, Haikal & Wife, Yone, Yah, Cha, Aisyah, Haifa and Adi. Anom and Nasir jadik hosts. Best sesangat!! The food was okay. But it was the company that's great. We had fun catching up with each other and the little ones Adi and Haifa provided the much needed cute moments. And the first generationers, especially Ayah Anjang and Ayah Chik (my dad's brothers), provided the much needed comic drama with the pulut durian. Sedapler pulak kan?!
It's really difficult to explain the "santai and relaxing" atmosphere that day. But I tell you, if you have all the right people around you, it'll definitely make your day and put a smile on your face all day long. Best! Best! and Best! Let's do this once more ---- soon. Let's get more people in ... like Wancik, Chu and family and Ayah Chu and family.
The first generation - Wan, Ayah Anjang and Achik (Dah dua kali Raya tak jumpa Achik and family - terubat rindu!!)
Meor and Rina sedang makan-makan. Please update your blog, okay?
Cutenya Adi. Selambanya Adi. With my baby girl Arissa
Our host and hostess - Nasir and Anom. Thanks a lot. Next time kita pergi Victoria Station pulak. Meor belanja.
Yan menikmati pulut durian with Alia and Asma yang very the propah. Apasal lak ye?
Meor and family plus Haifa. Very nice. About time to give Adi a sister. So get moving, guys!!
Ini Ayah Chik. Bapak's second youngest brother. Ini dia baru lepas makan pulut durian. And he got diabetes. Cool!
Ini abang dia - Ayah Anjang! Tengah makan pulut durian. Juga ada diabetes. Makan, Ayah Anjang makan.
Yone and her beautiful cousin Yah. Senyum tu senyum jugak, Yah dah nak kahwin tu, awak tu bila lagi?
Adi ni susah nak nangis and meragam. Akan tetapi ini ada gambar dia nangis. Sebabnya dia tengok abah ngan mama dia sibuk dengan Fifa. Sayu hati budak tu....
Inilah Haifa/Fifa tgh posing manja-manja gitu. Very the adorable. Ala-ala Asma masa kecik pun ada.
Sebab depa yang belanja makanya letak ler lagi satu gambar Anom and Nasir. Kes nak amik hati ler ni.
Selepas menjamu selera di Restoran Puteri, rombongan Kak Timah pun decided untuk pergi MPH Warehouse Sale kat Seksyen 13, PJ. Manusia punyalah ramai, maklumlah last day. Tapi buku memang murah-murah. Banyak titles best-best. Rambang mata dibuatnya. Panas pun panas lar. Macam pasar adanya. Tapi puas hati join segala manusia mengharu-birukan suasana.
By 9 am something we were already on LDP heading towards Ikea to have breakfast. Did you know that we could have a hearty breakfast at Ikea's restaurant (tempat yang ada that delicious meatball segala) dengan harga yang murah? You tell me, where can we get a Nasi Lemak Ayam at only RM1.90 plus coffee and tea. But semalam, kami sampai quite late dan they have closed the breakfast counter. Damn.
But never fear - there are lots more eating places in Ikano. So we made our way there and enjoyed our breakfast. Lepas tu it's Popular Bookstore on the top floor. I must say, this Popular outlet is not too bad. We've been there many many times.
Anyways, lepas tu kami ke Restoran Puteri di Pinggiran Taman Tun Dr Ismail yang berdekatan. For lunch. Dengan Anom, Nasir, Ayah Anjang, Wan, Ayah Chik, Achik, Meor, Rina, Haikal & Wife, Yone, Yah, Cha, Aisyah, Haifa and Adi. Anom and Nasir jadik hosts. Best sesangat!! The food was okay. But it was the company that's great. We had fun catching up with each other and the little ones Adi and Haifa provided the much needed cute moments. And the first generationers, especially Ayah Anjang and Ayah Chik (my dad's brothers), provided the much needed comic drama with the pulut durian. Sedapler pulak kan?!
It's really difficult to explain the "santai and relaxing" atmosphere that day. But I tell you, if you have all the right people around you, it'll definitely make your day and put a smile on your face all day long. Best! Best! and Best! Let's do this once more ---- soon. Let's get more people in ... like Wancik, Chu and family and Ayah Chu and family.
Selepas menjamu selera di Restoran Puteri, rombongan Kak Timah pun decided untuk pergi MPH Warehouse Sale kat Seksyen 13, PJ. Manusia punyalah ramai, maklumlah last day. Tapi buku memang murah-murah. Banyak titles best-best. Rambang mata dibuatnya. Panas pun panas lar. Macam pasar adanya. Tapi puas hati join segala manusia mengharu-birukan suasana.
Dan Affan pun bertunang....
Last Saturday, kami sekeluarga ke somewhere in Pandan untuk meraikan majlis pertunangan Affan (our nephew). As I was working that day, I took off for a while to sama-sama memeriahkan majlis. Yan's sisters - Kak and Yong and their families - came down too.
Bertolak dari rumah Nyah di Cheras around 12.15 tgh and sampai dalam 1.30pm. Jalan sesak, hari panas and kami pun sesat. Bukannya jauh pun tapi itu lah.... Kesas Highway kat area exit Pandah Indah and Pandan Jaya are forever and ever sesak and sibuk. Apapun alhamdullilah, semua selamat sampai and majlis pun berjalan lancar. Meriah tetapi sederhana.
Bertolak dari rumah Nyah di Cheras around 12.15 tgh and sampai dalam 1.30pm. Jalan sesak, hari panas and kami pun sesat. Bukannya jauh pun tapi itu lah.... Kesas Highway kat area exit Pandah Indah and Pandan Jaya are forever and ever sesak and sibuk. Apapun alhamdullilah, semua selamat sampai and majlis pun berjalan lancar. Meriah tetapi sederhana.
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