Today, the fat man turns 42. Wasn't in a mood really to even acknowledge the day but the ladies at home woke up early just to wish me good life and all. Thanks. And as I stepped into the office this morning, Nana and Hajar burst out singing the birthday anthem for all and sundry to hear. Malu lar and at my age, you really don't want to be wished that way anymore. Marilyn even came up and shook my hand. Why did I blabbed about my birthday in the first place? Yes, salahkan Tommy!
Anyway, at home, the loves of my live went extra miles to make it extra special day for me. It was special and I was touched. Deeply. Thanks for the kek strawberry chocolate (Siti dapat, kita pun dapat, yeay)
happy birthday to u!!!
Happy Birthday Abg A'a...sorry i didnt know...hope it was a blast one!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Abg a!! Tak tau citer pun.. sorila lambat wish
tengkyu all, org lain maner tak nak wish ker (ala-ala giler publisiti)?
Alamak..tak tau la plak..hehe. Happy besday to u...
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