Black&White or Colour
Jalan-jalan di Kota Raya
Anyway, today Saturday, cuti weekend. Those yang ambik cuti on Thursday kena kerja on Saturday. Apa raa.. Kami di rumah ni mulanya berkira-kira nak pergi beraya tetapi masih ramai yang belum balik dari kampung atau holiday. So we decided to pergi jalan-jalan di kota raya....

Raya Ini - Boots Balik Kampung

Raya Ini - Ziarah Pusara

The ladies at my youngest brother's grave (Mior Azmir 1972-998). Yang kat atas sekali tu was my dad's resting place (Mior Md Isa Haji Mior Mahmud 1934-1988). Ini di Temoh.
Then we moved on to Air Itam, Kampar. Ini kubur bapak Yan (Hasan bin Ngah Ismail 1928-1982). Masa kat sini, we found out that the cemetery dah di upgrade siap ada pagar baru and more well-kept. Penyudahnya melilau-lilau jugak mencari kubur bapak. It does not help when the girls ikut tolong mencari kubur tok dia orang sebab mencari pun dengan mulut2 sekali - "Ini ker emak? Kat situ ler mak! dan sebagainya" Orang-orang lain yang ada kat situ pun heran apahal ler lima beranak riuh rendah mencari kubur. Apa punye anak le kan, kubur bapak sendiri pun tak jumpa.
Raya Ini - Petronas Ads
This year's Petronas Raya Ad is no exception. It is about an aging and sickly father who - because of his sickness - was "forced" to menumpang at his daughter's beautiful house and how his snobbish son-in-law treated him. Memang real. And I like the part where they showed the photo of the father and his daughter when they are younger and the fdather was healthier.
With that in mind, I decided to capture the Raya mood this year with my daughters...
Raya Ini - Banjir ler pulak

Tadi malam hujan lebat gila. Mencurah-curah. Angin kencang sesangat. Ingatkan nak gi beraya ke rumah Anom di Gombak, tapi disebabkan hujan maha lebat tadi, rumah kami kat 9th floor dimasuki air - makanya cancel ler plan tu. Melimpah-limpah hingga ke living hall. Masa ni Kak Nah and famili sedang beraya. Terperanjat jugak. Ingatkan dah duduk tinggi ni tak de la kes banjir nih. Tapi Tuhan punya kuasa, air tetap masuk through the balcony's sliding door. Ya sapa kata duduk tinggi ni tak kena banjir. Tu yang tak jadi pergi rumah Anom tu, tambahan takut ler pulak kot ada flash flood kat KL, kang lagi haru.
Raya Ini - Open House
Raya tahun ni, we did something really different. We did not go beraya to a single house pun. Instead, people came to our place in USJ 17. Tak de la ramai manapun tapi tak putus jugaklah tetamu hingga ke malam. Apart from my brother and his family mostly yang datang ialah my cousins yang dah lama jadi rakyat KL. Cousins from both sides - mak and bapak. (By the way, dalam pada sibuk2 tadi tak sempat ler pulak ambik pix my cousin Kak Yan and her family and Kak Yah dari Section14 PJ. Rugi pulak rasanya sebab cucu Kak Yan and Abang An yang sepasang tu punyer ler handsome and cute - kira my cucu sedara lar - anak Jaja and Hatta).

Raya Ini - Observasi Awal

Dua lebuhraya yang boleh dilihat dari balkoni rumah - kalau tak nampak saje ler

Meja Utama (ahak meja utama lagi) dengan pelbagai juadah Raya. Kat rumah orang lain pun sama jer.

Azhar, Azian, Alia, Asma and Arissa
Dekor Raya
Hari ni Alia and adik2 dia menghiasi Raya Tree. This is so that the house ada suasana Raya, sebab selalunya memang tak dak suasana Raya. Kena pulak dah duduk kat 9th floor lagi ler tak boleh pasang panjut. Nak pasang lampu lip-lap, Bapak dia orang tak reti-reti ler pulak. So in the end, we decided that Raya Tree it is for us this year.
So tadi pagi pergi Puchong cari ranting kayu nak buat Raya Tree. Punyale panas berbahang hari nih. Balik2 rumah jer terus tidur balik sampai dekat2 nak buka puasa. Kira satu hari ni tidur ler.
Buka Puasa
Sejak dua menjak ni, I try not to buka puasa kat luar, especially kat hotel, unless it is really necessary. Bukan apa cuma I felt reaaallly guilty sebab I got to eat ridiculously banyak punya makanan at the hotel whilst the girls at home tak. Nak bawak dia orang almaklumlah, sorang ajer dah berplus-plus RM. Maner nak Raya lagi.
Ini nak bagi tahu, if you are fat, don't ever forever take photo with yourself right in the centre of the picture. No amount of effects will help you not to be the focus of the picture. Not even when you have a friend sitting next to you and trying very hard to look like a demented person will help you.....

This is how it should be. Fat people to the back. Nyorok belakang orang. Better still biar muka jer yang nampak. Tapi kalau muka pun sebesar2 bumi, err so sorry ler ya.
Anak Mak Yang Rajin

Feeling2 Pergi Harrods!
Yesterday, I went to Harrods. Tapi tak beli apa-apa pun sebab biasalah barang kat Harrods mahal-mahal. Dah tu tak de banyak mana pun barang-barangnya. Maklumlah Harrods kat KLIA tak besar mana - takat besar2 booth pameran Sure Heboh jer. Tapi jadik ler dapat feeling2 pegi London. (Harrods outlet ni is right away after you check in immigration counter for international departure kat KLIA).
I was with my colleague Zul yesterday. Mamat ni ropa2nyer tak pernah lepas the immigration line kat KLIA. Punyer ler dia syok dapat naik aerotrain yang gi Satellite Building, satu hal le pulak aku kena ikut dia ulang-alik naik aerotrain.
Opah dan Cucu2nya

My family came down for buka puasa today. Mak came with Mi from Temoh today. Then my brothers and their families came as well. Dah lama sungguh we did not berkumpul ramai2 sebegini rupa. Keadaan memaksa. Kesilapan memungkinkannya.
Anyway, alhamdullilah semua hadir. Makanan pulak berlambak-lambak. Macam nak buat kenduri untuk 100 orang. Mak pulak bawak lauk-pauk dia dari kampung.
Apapun sebab dah lama tak buat gathering macam ni, terduduk jugak kami suami isteri keletihan. Penyudahnya, makan pun ala kadar ajer. Penat punya pasal. Lagipun dah tua. Nasib baik ada anak dara tiga orang yang boleh membantu. Ringan sikit beban.
Dush! Terkena Sebijik
The particular show that I was watching zeroed in on Haji Muhammad Farid Rawi which I think is a lecturer somewhere plus a pendakwah with Perkim ler kot. Just listening to this Tuan Haji, which I'm pretty certain is waaaay younger than me, menyebabkan diri ini terasa kerdil. Here is a former Hindu man who went through a lot to learn about Islam - he took it upon himself to learn Islam and even went over to Jordan to earn his degree in Usuluddin. All these on his own, okay. Tak dak sapa tolong bagi duit.
He even managed to convert his mother as well after so many years. The mother passed on three months later. Likewise with his brother who embraced Islam a month before he died.
My favourite quote was when he said: "kali pertama saya masuk ke dalam masjid badan saya seperti dihujani salji. Sejuk tak terkata. Bahagia tak terucap. Bukan macam sesetengah orang sekarang yang pergi masjid pun susah." Terkena sebijik.
"And Mior Azhar? What have you achieved thus far?"
For that I am humbled. Thank You Tuan Haji, for bringing me back to earth.
Allah is GREAT!!!
Ramadan Ini (1427H)
Will we live to witness the next Ramadhan?
Will we live to witness the end of this Ramadhan?
Will we live to do what we keep postponing to do for our akhirat?
May Allah give us the determination to demonstrate to Him, with all the blessings given to us by Him, that we are worthy of His mercy before our turn comes to meet Him.
May Allah accept what you are investing for your hereafter.
May Allah encourage you to invest even more and in a smarter way for your hereafter.
May Allah multiply manifold the rewards of the investments for your hereafter.
May Allah unite us with His forgiveness, mercy and best of paradise in the hereafter
On a lighter note
Ramadan Ini.....Apasal lah
1. Both wife and I tak leh makan banyak2. Tak macam tahun2 lepas - memang balun habih. Masa berbuka, maximum mesti satu pinggan nasi sahaja. Kalau terlajak pi, mesti terpengsan-pengsan sakit angin satu badan.
2. Kalau pergi Bazaar Ramadan tak teruja pun tengok lauk-pauk and kuih-muih yang ada. Asyik turun naik sepanjang-panjang alam Bazaar tu sambil tengok2 ajer melenguhkan kaki jer.
3. Berat badan tak turun-turun hatta 1 gram sekali pun. Kadar Metabolism dah beku kot.
4. Bila balik kerja jer, penuh kereta atas jalan raya. Balik awal jam, balik lewat pun jam.
5. I became such an anti-social bloke. Asal ada invitation to buka puasa kat hotel mana2, mesti aku buat muka seposen. Mesti aku tak pergi. Macam semalam, habih satu office hilang gi PWTC to berbuka, aku pulak tetiba tunjuk rajin buat kerja.
6. Tak der pun sedara mara ker adik-beradik ker atau kengkawan yang ajak berbuka kat rumah dia orang. Very tak popular already.
7. Bila bangun sahur, hanya mampu makan sebiji buah kurma dan segelas air sahaja. Macam orang2 alim ler pulak.
8. Haze datang lagi. Hujan ler lebat maner pun, esok jerebu ni tetap setia bersama kita.
9. tatau nak tulis apa dah ....
10. I am still not rich
Babies are Heaven Sent!!

(Sebenarnya posting ni posting dengki kerana nak tiru ada blog orang tu yang ada posting anak dia yang cute. Blog sapa? Biarlah Rahsia...)
Bergaya Raya

In our household, selalunya after beli baju raya anak-anak, bila sampai balik rumah mesti ada sesi try-try baju Raya yang baru dibeli. Dah jadi macam tradition ler pulak kat sini. Siap ambik gambar lagi. Gambar di atas adalah contohnya. Macam Next Top Model punyer pose ajer. Macam artis pun ada. Issh, risau ler pulak aku.....
The Kite Runner

I thrive on fictions. I still do. And as far as this year goes, there's one fiction that really stands out, at least to me. And this book is by far My Best Book of The Year. Simply Marvelous. Found it by chance a few months ago at Kinokuniya and have been re reading it several times over.
It is called The Kite Runner - authored by an Afghan medical doctor who grew up in San Francisco, Khaled Hosseini.
It is about an illiterate Afghan boy with an uncanny instinct for predicting exactly where a downed kite will land. Growing up in the city of Kabul in the early 1970s, Hassan was a loyal 11-year-old with "a face like a Chinese doll" and was the son of his best friend's (Amir) father's servant and a member of Afghanistan's despised Hazara minority. But in 1975, on the day of Kabul's annual kite-fighting tournament, something unspeakable happened between the two boys.
The Kite Runner tells the gripping story of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ruthless evil that transcends mere politics. Running parallel to this personal narrative of loss and redemption is the story of modern Afghanistan and of Amir's equally guilt-ridden relationship with the war-torn city of his birth. Said to be the first Afghan novel to be written in English, The Kite Runner begins in the final days of King Zahir Shah's 40-year reign and traces the country's fall from a secluded oasis to a tank-strewn battlefield controlled by the Russians and then the Taliban.
Kalau ada kesempatan, I suggest that you read this book. Somehow, this book humbles me. And it's only a fiction, boleh? I can't help it - it's the melodramatic me that read (and feel) the book.
Yeah, How old am I again?